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Brad Moore

Supervisory Tax Law Specialist

Internal Revenue Service - Transfer Pricing Prac.
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Government - Federal

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Internal Revenue Service - Transfer Pricing Prac.
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Supervisory Tax Law Specialist
Government - Federal
2013 - Present
The Transfer Pricing Practice is made up of legal, finance/acct and economic specialists responsible for providing strategic direction, technical advice, and assistance to national and regional IRS divisions on the resolution of the largest, most complex transfer pricing cases. As manager, I direct a team of attys, CPAs and economists across a 10 state area in the central US, and coordinate with the national office, APMA and others on the delivery of subject matter expertise and legal advice. I also serve on several national task forces/working groups that are focused on improving procedures and policies in the international tax audit area.
Internal Revenue Service
Georgia, USA
Economist Group Manager
2011 - 2012
Manager of 8 economists covering 5 state area in SE USA.
Intl Univ of Grand Bassam
VP Finance & Admin
University/Academic Institution
2009 - 2010
Served as VP of Finance & Admin for small Anglophone university near Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
Internal Revenue Service
2005 - 2009
Ernst & Young
2001 - 2004
Georgia State University
Program Manager and Research Associate
Served as resident consultant for 2 years (1998-1999) on advisory team in Moscow, Russia on USAID funded tax reform project. From 1993-97 founded and served as program director of GSU-based Intl Program for Policy Training, where I was responsible for designing and delivering training and capacity building programs to tax officials in emerging market and developing economies.


MST, Tax, Accounting & Finance
Georgia State University
BA, Economics & Internatioal Affairs
Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York, United States

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