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Peter Robert Mason

Tax Advisor

London, United Kingdom


Professional Summary

Author of books: TAX COMMANDMENTS FOR BUSINESS and BUILDING BETTER TAXES available at Provides tax, treasury, risk, and financial advice on strategic, operational and transaction projects to MNEs to improve stakeholder value. With over 30 years of executive experience, I specialise in corporate tax reviews, tax process optimisation, change management, project management, mentoring, transaction planning, international structuring, supply chain optimisation and governance structures. Specific recent projects include: - independent strategic review of a tax organisation and profile and 5-year goals with value-enhancing recommendations; - complete supply chain and value chain assessment for inter-company trading to meet commercial and tax demands; - tax team building, training and development to make fit for purpose, commercially minded with shared purpose; - lecturing and mentoring on tax leadership; - transaction support for acquisitions, divestments, mergers, shareholder returns, reorganisations, footprint changes, and demergers; - design and implementation of governance models with high ethical standards, risk management, contingency planning and business continuity; - delivery of continuous improvements to tax processes driving cost-savings and efficiencies; - supporting fiscal enquiries, litigation, arbitration, MAPs and dispute resolution; - chairing boards, trusts, offshore activities, project meetings, etc

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London, United Kingdom
Tax Advisor
2020 - Present
Author of books: "Tax Commandments For Business" and "Building Better Taxes" and advises on Taxation, Finance, Treasury, Governance and M&A with goal of improving stakeholder value.
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Group Tax Director
2010 - 2020
Led the group tax program of active tax engagement, robust tax governance and tax compliance across all taxes for over 150 subsidiary companies across more than 50 countries. Our mission was to make tax Relevant, Understandable and Manageable for our businesses globally to support their success (our "RUM" principle"). I managed a team of over 12 tax professionals based in UK, US, Germany and Switzerland. Sat on subsidiary company boards and a company Pension Trustee.
Alstom Power
United Kingdom
Interim VP Tax
2010 - 2010
Interim role to manage the tax program in the Power Sector of Alstom SA with sales of over £10 billion, establishing a robust inter-company supply chain process compliant for transfer pricing, restructuring the tax team of over 20 professionals, providing quality and timely tax advice and aligning tax to the business operations.
Smiths Group PLC
United Kingdom
Diretor, Corporate Capital
2000 - 2009
Tax, treasury, internal audit and risk management for over 100 companies with 20 professionals in UK, US, Netherlands and China. Drove value-adding advice, global compliance, external and internal funding, cash pooling arrangements, currency hedging and relations with tax advisers, government agencies on tax matters, banks, credit agencies and lending institutions.
Smith Industries
United Kingdom
Taxation Director
1992 - 2000
Initiated and drove tax program to mitigate the burden of taxation worldwide on businesses in over 30 countries in a responsible manner to drive a competitive advantage for the group. Managed tax planning, compliance, controversy resolution and tax accounting reporting.
Dowty PLC
United Kingdom
Taxation Manager
1988 - 1992
Established comprehensive internal tax department with appropriate governance processes and meeting all demands for tax compliance, external reporting and business support.
Arthur Andersen & Company
United Kingdom
Auditor & Tax Advisor
Public Accounting Firm - Big Four
1984 - 1988

Professional Certifications

BSc (hons) Engineering
Fellow Chartered Accountant
Chartered Tax Adviser
Fellow Corporate Treasurer

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