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Samuel Oreofe Bamidele

Assistant Manager/Head, Technical&Research

Pedabo Professional Service
Ikoyi, Nigeria

Consulting Firm

Professional Summary

A highly experienced and versatile accounting and tax professional with over 9 years of experience in international tax advisory and planning, transfer pricing, corporate and personal tax compliance management, regulatory and corporate compliance, tax accounting and financial reporting, financial and economic analysis, budgeting and forecasting, financial modelling, tax computation, planning and advisory. I have a very in-depth working knowledge of the Nigerian tax laws (covering Companies Income Tax, Personal Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Petroleum Profit Tax, Stamp Duties Levy etc.), Nigerian Double Tax Treaties (including the interplay of UN&OECD MTC with Nigerian tax laws and treaties), transfer pricing regulations (Income Tax (Transfer Pricing) 2012,OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines, UN Transfer Pricing Manual). I have a complete understanding of the Nigerian tax practice and principles, including interfacing with tax and other regulatory authorities. I have completed and led engagements in tax compliance, tax audit management, tax accounting and review, tax planning and advisory as well as transfer pricing compliance and implementation for clients across all industries. I am also involved in delivering regulatory compliance services in the areas of corporate governance, financial reporting and valuation services. My assignment in this area include board evaluation; corporate governance advisory; business and financial assets valuation; retirement benefits valuation

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  • English

Industry Experience

    • Accounting Firm


July 15


Pedabo Professional Service
Ikoyi, Nigeria 101233
Assistant Manager/Head, Technical&Research
Consulting Firm
2011 - Present
I provide clients with advisory services in areas of international tax and planning in relation to an existing or proposed projects. My advisory covers areas such as, tax planning, transferred pricing, group restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, de-merger and spin-off, business combinations and asset acquisition, intellectual and investment properties, financial assets, jewel asset acquisition financing, capital structure, thin capitalization, transaction structuring, tax treaties, deferred taxes, financial forecasts and models, capital importation and repatriation, tax reliefs and holidays.

I also guide and assist clients that are classified as ‘connected taxable persons’ in complying with the provisions of the Nigerian transfer pricing regulations. My activities included risk assessment and appraisal, comparability analysis and bench marking, transferred pricing policy documentation, implementation and analysis, submission and filing of transfer pricing returns, attending to queries and request from the tax authorities.

I also develop and provide tax efficient transaction structuring and criticism for clients. My activities here included, contract review/structuring, identification of tax points/triggers, suggestions of modifications on structure for tax optimization purposes.

I provide other regulatory compliance service in the areas of corporate governance, board evaluation, Corporate Affairs Registration; business and financial assets valuation etc

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