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Vladimir Tyutyuryukov

Independent tax reseacher and advisor

Moscow, Russia

Professional Summary

More than 13 years of experience in tax accounting, tax advisory and tax academia, in Russia and in Kazakhstan. Responsibilities included tax consulting, international tax planning, audit of tax accouting, tax policy research and advice to governmental bodies and NGOs, teaching tax and accounting courses in universities. PhD studies at Masaryk University (Czechia), thesis topic "Tax systems in EAEU region: tax harmonisation, tax competition?” (defense expected 4 May 2017) ACCA student (papers completed: F1-P2, P7)

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October 17

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KIMEP University
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Assistant Professor
University/Academic Institution
2011 - 2015
Developing and delivering courses “Financial Accounting”, “Auditing”, “Principles of Taxation”, “Taxation in Kazakhstan” and “Taxation of Multinational Enterprises” for bachelor, Master in Accounting and Audit, MBA and LL.M students (in English) – assessed by students at 3.97-4.48 out of 5.
Academic supervision of internship in Accounting, academic supervision of MBA theses, development of study materials, participation in conferences and their organization, preparation of publications.
Coordination of accreditation of KIMEP courses with ACCA in 2013-2014 (obtained exemptions from F4 Corporate and Business Law, F6 Taxation, F7 Financial Reporting).
Applied research in taxation on request of public authorities and NGOs, organization of seminars on tax issues (including development of content and relevant study materials), organization of conferences and academic supervision of contributions.
Moscow, Russia
Senior Tax Consultant
Tax Advisory Firm
2007 - 2010
In-charge of tax consulting and audit projects for big Russian and international companies, interaction with public bodies regarding tax policy, contribution to the position papers of business organization on tax issues, preparation of internal presentations and participation in roundtables, supervision and coaching of junior staff.
All-Russia State Tax Academy
Moscow, Russia
Adjunct assistant professor
University/Academic Institution
2004 - 2010
Developing and delivering courses “Audit”, “International Standards on Auditing”, “Russian Standards on Auditing” (in Russian), development of course programs and workbooks, academic supervision of diploma works, preparation of publications.
Unified Electric Systems of Russia
Moscow, Russia
Assistant at Department of Tax Accounting
2002 - 2003
My functions included tax consulting of RAO EES’s subsidiaries, tax accounting of fixed assets of RAO EES’s subsidiaries and consolidation of this data; conversion of accounting data of foreign subsidiaries of RAO EES according to requirements of Russian tax accounting; the analysis of draft legislation from the point of view of tax consequences for RAO EES.


PhD, Public Economy (Currently Enrolled)
Masaryk University
Brno, Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Thesis topic “Tax systems in EAEU region: tax harmonisation, tax competition?”
PhD, Economy and management 2006
All-Russia State Tax Academy
Moscow, Gorod Moskva, Russia
Candidate of Economic Sciences degree
Thesis topic “The mechanism of regional development of corporations and the ways of its improving” (defended in October 2006)
MS, Accountancy, analysis, audit 2004
All-Russia State Tax Academy
Moscow, Gorod Moskva, Russia

Associations and Societies

  • International Fiscal Association

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