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Irish Tax Institute

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Irish Tax Institute

ITI Seminars & Conferences Details

October 17th, 2013 - October 18th, 2013
8:00 AM (UTC/GMT), , IRL

Event Speaker

Keynote Speaker Sean Brodie
VAT Partner, PwC
Keynote Speaker Carlo Cottarelli
Director of the Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund, International Monetary Fund
Josephine Feehily
Chairman of the Irish Revenue Commissioners and the OECD Forum on Tax Administration, Revenue
Bill Dodwell
Partner, Tax Policy Group, Deloitte LLP, Deloitte
Philip Kermode
Director, European Commission Taxation and Customs Directorate General, European Commission
Oupa Magashula
Commissioner of the South African Revenue , SARS
Chris Wales
Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation , CentreFor Business Taxation
Chris Sanger
Global Director of Tax Policy, Ernst & Young, Ernst & Young
Pascal Saint-Amans
Director of the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD, OECD
Nina Olson
National Taxpayer Advocate, Internal Revenue Service, IRS
Feargal O’Rourke
Head of Tax and Legal Services, PwC Ireland , PWC
Shaun Murphy
Managing Partner-Elect, KPMG Ireland , KPMG
Kieran Holmes
Commissioner General, Office Burundais des Recettes, Kieran Holmes & Associates

Event Description

Revenue recently published an information leaflet that is essential reading for members with clients who are medical or health care professionals. It is also relevant for those with business clients who are in receipt of certain types of medical services. The leaflet clarifies Revenue’s view on when medical services are taxable services and therefore subject to VAT.

To assist members get to grips with the changes, the Irish Tax Institute will be releasing an online briefing.

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