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Surgent McCoy CPE LLC

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Thomas Amoroso

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CPE Credits: 8, Taxes



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Surgent McCoy CPE LLC

Mastering Basis, Distributions, and Loss Limitation Issues

June 12th, 2013
11:30 AM (UTC -5:00), ,

Event Speaker

Dennis Benvie, CPA

Event Description

The most difficult concepts to master when dealing with flow-through business entities are the basis and distribution concepts. Major error and malpractice issues occur if the CPA does not fully understand the impact of these rules. This course is designed to focus on the practical applications of these rules.

Major Topics:

Applicable coverage of the tax acts of 2012 and any new legislation.
S Corporations:
Beware of recent Final IRS Regulations regarding "Open Debt" of S Corporations
Determine how to calculate basis. Worksheets are included.
Understand the effect of stock basis and debt basis and IRS's recent focus on at-risk basis for shareholders
Recognize how AAA applies or does not apply to certain S corporations
Learn to apply the complex basis ordering rules and special elections that can have a big tax result
Discuss loss limitation rules in depth
When you can have a taxable dividend in an S corporation
Understand distributions of cash and property
Understand the post-termination transition rules, which will be of great importance if (when) future tax changes bring the return of the C corporation
LLCs and Partnerships:
Learn the detailed rules of §704 for preventing the shifting of tax consequences among partners or members.
Determine how to calculate basis under both §704 and for "at-risk" under §465
Recognize how recourse, nonrecourse, and qualified nonrecourse debt can create significantly different tax results
Learn the difference between basis and "at risk basis" and what it means
Review §754 step-up in basis rules
The economic effect equivalence test or "dumb-but-lucky" rule
Learn to apply the complex rules of distribution of cash vs. property and the planning strategies
Find out how "hot assets" can change the game for distributions
Learning Objectives:

Determine initial basis and organizing tax-free under §351 and §721
Understand what affects basis and how to treat distributions
Passing the four loss limitation hurdles to deduct losses
Designed For: CPAs who prepare both individual and flow-through business entity tax returns and need a thorough grasp of these significant issues. This course is a must for practitioners to help reduce and avoid this exposure to malpractice.

Course Level: Intermediate
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