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Tax Executives Institute

Type of Event


Location of Event

Cypress Semiconductor


TEI Members $100.00 Non-Members $150.00 After 4/18 $175.00

Organization Website

Tax Executives Institute

State Income Tax Update

San Jose, California, 95134
April 23rd, 2013
9:00 AM (UTC -8:00), California, USA

Event Speaker

Event Description

This seminar will cover recent California court cases and legislative changes to apportionment and income sourcing. We will also focus on the audit and discuss planning the audits, negotiating settlements and closing agreements and litigating strategies. Lastly the seminar will look at M&A considerations such as instant unity, NOLs, nexus, elections and business/non-business. Hear updates from tax experts at DLA Piper.
Speakers from DLA Piper
Hugh Wesley Goodwin, Partner, Palo Alto
Ellis L. Reemer, Partner, New York
David Plewa, Partner, Palo Alto
Stacy M. Paz, Partner, Palo Alto
Eric D. Ryan, Partner, Palo Alto
David Colker, Partner, Palo Alto

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