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Taxpayer's Federation of Illinois

Type of Event


Location of Event

Maggiano's Little Italy, Chicago

Contact Information

TFI Office

CPE/CLE Credits

Earn 1 hour MCLE/CPE Credit


Table $1,200.00 Seat at $175.00 each

Organization Website

Taxpayer's Federation of Illinois

TFI Annual Meeting

Chicago, Illinois
June 20th, 2013
10:00 AM (UTC -8:00), Illinois, USA

Event Speaker

Carol Portman,
President, Taxpayers’ Federation of Illinois
Nancy Dollison
Legislative Director, Taxpayers’ Federation of Illinois
Douglas L. Whitley
President & CEO, Illinois Chamber of Commerce

Event Description

Learning Objectives:

Recognize the impact of Illinois’ legislative,regulatory and administrative tax developments on companies or clients.

Obtain sufficient understanding to be able to effectively communicate developments to others.

Program Level: Intermediate
Delivery Method: Group-Live
No prerequisites or advanced preparation needed.

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