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Sales Tax Institute

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John Londay

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Sales Tax Institute

Upcoming Changes to Canada's Harmonization Landscape Webinar

December 12th, 2012
12:00 PM , ,

Event Speaker

Christina Zurowski
Principal, Veridical Tax Advisors

Event Description

Doing business in Canada can have its challenges from a sales tax perspective for many US organizations. Staying up-to-date with developments and understanding the potential implications for your organization is key for businesses trying to effectively manage their Canadian sales tax compliance risks. 2013 will see many changes in the Canadian harmonization landscape with BC deharmonizing as of April 1, 2013 and reverting back to a two level sales tax regime along with further harmonization in Quebec (January 1, 2013) and full harmonization for PEI (April 1, 2013). Organizations need to understand what needs to be done in advance of these changes to ensure continued and ongoing compliance as well as meeting client expectations.
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