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As a 3M manufacturing company in California what hiring tax credits and deductions are available to us?

Hiring Credits
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Monika Miles
If your manufacturing company is located in one of CA's 42 enterprise zones, there could be significant hiring tax credits. But hurry! The EZ program as we know it has been eliminated as of 12/31/13. After that date, you can no longer qualify new employees. (However, employees already vouchered will be eligible for credits for the remaining term of the credit - max 5 years.) There are a lot of nuances to the program, so please feel free to reach out to me for more details.

Also, the bill that eliminated the current EZ program (AB93) did include some other incentives that might prove beneficial for your company. It established a new manufacturer's sales tax exemption effective July 2014.
Leave a Comment 562 weeks ago


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