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Can the Taxpayer (TP) recognize the passive loss at the disposition of his rental property?

TP lost two properties in a Title 11 Case (bankruptcy) for which he had passive loss carry forwards. The discharge in bankruptcy resulted in $1,271,000 of non taxable debt discharge income. He no longer owns the property and had $385,000 of passive loss carryforwards. Does he lose these as tax attributes in the bankruptcy case or can he use them in the current year and as NOL carrybacks. Why or why not?
Net Operating Loss (NOL) Charge Off of Debt and NOLs
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Kathryn Morgan
Yes he loses the carryover loss. The reason being the cancellation of debt (COD) income is excluded in a specific order on the form 982. You must first reduce the tax attributes (basis, NOLs, and carry forwards) from the income before determining how much COD is attributed to the bankruptcy. So you can't just say wipe it all out with the bankruptcy and then still get to use the NOLs and/or passive losses. And since these were rental properties don't forget to dispose of them via form 4797 and do the depreciation recapture. There is the place some of those passive losses might come in handy. Remember the disposition is considered done before applying 982 rules. It can be really tricky and counterintuitive, please let us know if we can help.
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