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Do I owe taxes to CA if I moved to Tennessee in July 2013 and took a lumpsum cash out of my CalStrs retirement in late September 2013 while living in Tennnessee? I had no income while residing in CA.

I have explained to the FTB that I did not make any income while living in CA for 2013. I lived in Tennessee when I cashed out my CalStrs retirement and received the check around September 20 which I cashed at B of A in Franklin, Tennessee where I was living. The FTB said I had to show proof of filing and paying personal income taxes to Tennessee. The problem is the state of Tennessee doesn't have a personal income tax nor do you have to file anything for taxes. I explained that to FTB and they said I had to prove residency in TN. I asked if my Tennessee Drivers License could be used as an official document showing residency in the state of TN. They said no it isn't acceptable. I asked what type or documentation they would accept for me to prove residency and the reply was for me to send them a copy of my completed 2013 Tennessee personal income tax form.
Lump Sum Early Withdrawal of Retirement
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John Stancil
Under Federqal law if you are not a California resident you cannot be subject to CA taxes once you are no longer a resident of the state. The funds were withdrawn after you moved from CA and should not be subject to CA taxes. Your paying or not paying tax on the withdrawal in another state should not be a factor.
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