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Global Tax Liability of Hungarian Citizens

I have a few questions in respect of taxation of a Hungarian citizen who is working abroad and who is not resident in Hungary.

1) Is it correct that Hungary taxes its citizens even if they are no longer resident in Hungary?

2) And if this is correct are there any rules that allows for a reduction of the income tax?

3) For how many years back does this rule apply?

4) If a citizen has not declared an income for a number of years how many years back may the Hungarian tax authorities tax that person? Is there a statute of limitations?

5) If there is no way to reduce the income tax, is it possible to pay off the tax in instalments over a number of years?

6) The United States has the same tax liability of its citizens as Hungary, but the US allows a citizen working abroad and staying in the US for under 30 days annually, to deduct foreign income up to approximately 90.000 USD per year (foreign earned income deduction). Is there anything similar in Hungary?

I hope you will be able to send me a short reply to these questions.

Looking forward to your response.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Chris Jacobs

Global Tax

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