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How many Tax Professionals out there are looking for off season income without having to get a second job outside their field just to pay the bills? Not on to mowing lawns, or taking up a Professional position for someone else when you can be keeping the money at home..and bookkeeping isn't making the bank? Well are you ready for a change?

I have seen over my 25+ yrs, so many great Tax Professionals having to stress over keeping the money coming in after tax season ends. I created a way to help your clients, generate more forms (which generates income for us) and write off's a client never knew they had! You think you had enough time with your clients to provide the information needed, to get to know them well enough that if they are not sitting on the money in the bank or investments, where did it go? Because most of the time if they spent it, its deductible, you as their Professional should know where to put it. If you don't their is an easy way to find out.
Taxes in Off Season
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Keeping Taxes and Bookkeeping going all year long.
Reply 530 weeks ago

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