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I am a dual US / Jordanian Citizen, i have been paying Jordanian Taxes up till Last year when i moved to Dubai using my US passport for my residency. I would like someone to contact me to get more details on how i can file my taxes and start paying.

Dual Citizen International Tax Tax Filing Requirements
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Brian Mahany
Your question is a bit unclear. Are you looking to comply with the filing requirements in the UAE or the US? Unfortunately, the United States is virtually unique in requiring all citizens to file returns no matter where they live nor where they derive their income.

That means that even if you have had no US source income during the years you lived in Jordan, Uncle Sam still wants a return. Assuming you lived in Jordan and paid taxes there, you might not owe any US taxes but that doesn't eliminate the filing requirements.

We are offshore tax reporting specialists. Feel free to contact us at or visit our Due Diligence blog ( for hundreds of articles on foreign reporting requirements.
Leave a Comment 573 weeks ago

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Virginia La Torre Jeker, J.D.
Hi - I am a US tax attorney based in Dubai. If you need US tax assistance, we can arrange a consultation by phone or, if you are visiting the UAE, we can meet with you.

The most recent enforcement efforts are reminding those Americans (including dual nationals) with unreported offshore accounts and assets that they will soon be left out in the cold and will have no place to hide. This is all the more reason to become tax compliant now. You might want to read some of my earlier blog postings about how to get the right help in regaining compliance: See these posts

Tax Non-Compliance and Americans Abroad: Relief from IRS; Offshore Voluntary Disclosure – Not a Tax Amnesty.

Taxpayers with unreported income or assets must take action and obtain a full understanding of the various options open to them, the attendant implications and possible penalties under each. The best bet is to work with a US tax attorney to obtain the benefit of an attorney-client privilege. The attorney will probably work with an accountant to get the amended or delinquent income tax returns and FBARs prepared. In this instance, the attorney (rather than the client) should hire the accountant for the work to be done and this should be carefully documented in what is called a “Kovel” agreement. The purpose of having a Kovel agreement is to extend the attorney-client privilege to the greatest extent possible to the accountant’s participation and work product.
Leave a Comment 571 weeks ago


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