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I have purchased some stock in a company LINEQ that is in chapter 11 bankruptcy. The company is set up as Master Limited Partnership. I understand the taxes flow through to the Unit holders, would like to determine the amount I could be taxed and the risk.. Thanks, Jon

Cancellation of debt income
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Randy Tarpey
The company LINEQ Linn Energy has published several warnings about significant cancellation of debt income that could appear on your K-1. As an individual limited partner member you would report this K-1 income on Schedule E. You may owe income tax on this extra income and the only benefit you may receive is a basis increase in your investment which in the future may allow you to take a tax loss on the disposition of your investment. A capital loss on your investment would be in the future and may be limited to the individual annual limit of $3,000 per year as explained in the instructions to Schedule D. It appears you could owe extra tax now without a way to get that tax money back anytime soon. You have not described your situation in enough detail to answer your question completely as many other variables may alter your tax situation.
Leave a Comment 394 weeks ago

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Good Morning, I am in a 28% bracket, paid about .15cents per share/unit after they filed chapter 11. Is the CODI Tax calculated on a percentage of stock/unit valuation or is it calculated by amount of debt income recovered divided by Unit/ shares.. I have around 55,000 unit/shares. Trying to establish a amount I could lose or eventual recovery. Thanks , Jon
Reply 394 weeks ago

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