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I know that expenses for transportation for medical treatment can be deducted, subject to the general medical expense deduction limitations. Would this include transportation to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions? How about if you move out of state but want to continue to see your same doctor? Is air transportation back for medical appointments deductible?

Itemized Deduction Medical Expenses
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Michael Jacobson
Two different questions:
1. Transportation for medical purposes usually does not represent transportation to go to and the from the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions;
2. The decision to continue to receive medical services from a non-specialist physician who was your physician prior to moving to another state, ma be a personal one, but it will not be one that is supported b the IRS. However, in the case where the physician is a specialist and where a comparable specialist is not available in your new residence area, you may be able to deduct airfare to see the physician. I had a client to had to go to the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda MD for a rare form of cancer. The IRS did challenge the airfare and related costs. A letter from the NCI easily settled the issue with the diagnosis of a rare form of cancer, and the lack of treatment facilities in the client's home state.
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