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What tax and financial planning matters should same sex couples consider?

Same Sex Couple Taxes
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Rianne Greene
Same sex couples should seek the same financial planning as any other couple in the world.  They will need to plan for their future the same ways as any other person doing financial planning.  Making sure that their partner is the beneficiary of everything in case of any legal questions.  I recommend looking into those 401 K's and IRA's in order to make sure they are financially covered.  If the couple lives in a state in which same sex couples are unable to get married they would need to make sure they have covered all legal bases in order for their partner to access the information and they are financially planning together.  In respect to taxes they need to make sure they can legally file together in their state and federally.  Same sex couples should be treated exactly the same as any other couple in respect to their financial planning.
Leave a Comment 536 weeks ago


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