Posted in sections, this is my Doctoral Thesis on taxpayers rights when audited by the tax authorities in South Africa – equally applicable to many English-based law systems in Africa and abroad (eg. India). This will be of particular use to any tax practitioners doing work in Africa and in other English-based legal systems around the world.

Analysis Of Challenging The Commissioner’s Discretionary Powers In Auditing Taxpayers under The Constitution Of The Republic of South Africa


1.4.1 Research Objectives

The primary objective of the research done in this dissertation is to critically analyse Read More

Posted in sections, this is my Doctoral Thesis on taxpayers rights when audited by the tax authorities in South Africa – equally applicable to many English-based law systems in Africa and abroad (eg. India). This will be of particular use to any tax practitioners doing work in Africa and in other English-based legal systems around the world.

Analysis Of Challenging The Commissioner’s Discretionary Powers In Auditing Taxpayers under The Constitution Of The Republic of South Africa


The aim of this dissertation is to critically evaluate SARS information gathering powers from the following two perspectives: Read More

Posted in sections, this is my Doctoral Thesis on taxpayers rights when audited by the tax authorities in South Africa – equally applicable to many English-based law systems in Africa and abroad (eg. India). This will be of particular use to any tax practitioners doing work in Africa and in other English-based legal systems around the world.

Analysis Of Challenging The Commissioner’s Discretionary Powers In Auditing Taxpayers under The Constitution Of The Republic of South Africa


Although the Constitution has been in existence for some 18 years, the rights of taxpayers Read More

Posted in sections, this is my Doctoral Thesis on taxpayers rights when audited by the tax authorities in South Africa – equally applicable to many English-based law systems in Africa and abroad (eg. India). This will be of particular use to any tax practitioners doing work in Africa and in other English-based legal systems around the world.

Analysis Of Challenging The Commissioner’s Discretionary Powers In Auditing Taxpayers under The Constitution Of The Republic of South Africa


The South African tax system has experienced significant changes within the purview of the advent of the Constitution, PAJA, and with the proposed promulgation of the Tax Read More

Posted in sections, this is my Doctoral Thesis on taxpayers rights when audited by the tax authorities in South Africa – equally applicable to many English-based law systems in Africa and abroad (eg. India). This will be of particular use to any tax practitioners doing work in Africa and in other English-based legal systems around the world.

Analysis Of Challenging The Commissioner’s Discretionary Powers In Auditing Taxpayers under The Constitution Of The Republic of South Africa


This thesis deals with the relevant law up to 30 September 2012. This thesis analyses the inter-relationship in particular between ss 1(c), 33, 41(1), 195(1) and 237 of the Read More

TaxConnections Blog Post
The Protectors for Big Business –
Remarks That Are Dynamic

“Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes.”

Source: Kenneth Hildebrand

DYNAMIC MEANS “CHANGING; action and in motion.” Dynamic is synonymous with lively, active, energetic, vigorous, and impelling.
In a blink, there is more change.
In another blink, there is additional action. Read More

TaxConnections Blog Post
The Protectors for Big Business –

THIS ACRONYM STANDS for the International Financial Reporting Standards being the standards and interpretations adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

During February 2006 the FASB and the IASB concluded a memorandum of understanding stating their intention to seek a convergence of their standards and interpretations by 2008. Remember FIN 48 is a FASB standard.

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TaxConnections Blog Post
The Protectors for Big Business –
FIN 48

THE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Standards Board (FASB ) on July 13, 2006, issued the final interpretation amending FASB Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, “Accounting for Income Taxes.” Of great importance was FASB Interpretation No. 48, “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes” (FIN 48. The purpose behind publishing the interpretations was to address the uncertainty in accounting for income tax assets and liabilities. FASB No. 109, in the past, contained no guidance on accounting for income tax assets and liabilities, resulting in businesses taking inconsistent positions. According to Read More

TaxConnections Blog Post
The Protectors for Big Business –
SOX 404

THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT was promulgated in the USA on July 30, 2002, primarily in response to the major corporate and accounting scandals in the USA such as Enron , Tyco International , Peregrine Systems, and WorldCom . Sarbanes-Oxley (also known as SOX or Sarbox) was promulgated to restore investor confidence in the reliability of the information provided by companies trading their stocks on USA stock exchanges.

SOX 404, which is an acronym for Sarbanes-Oxley Act , 2002 section 404, states, Read More

TaxConnections Blog Post
The Protectors for Big Business
Introducing the Protectors

THE TERMINOLOGY MAKES one think of these acronyms as famous sporting teams. But as famous sporting teams command attention, so do these regulations insofar as they impact on tax risk. What follows is a brief summary of these regulations, their impact on tax risk management, and why an orchestrated Tax Risk Management process will help with overall regulatory compliance.

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TaxConnections Blog Post
Communication to Eliminate Tax Risk –
Communication and Beyond Tax Risk Management

IN AN ATTEMPT to address the occurrence of material weaknesses under SOX 404 (dealt with in chapter 8), and in an attempt to limit these exposures, Margaret S. Thomas CPA in her lecture notes on “Sarbanes-Oxley 404: Compliance and Beyond,” 2006 states that “an ethical cultural environment should be created in any business. Management should create policies that create a positive environment for employees, without fear of reprisal, to report unusual occurrences. All incidents of alleged fraud or discrepancies must be investigated promptly and action taken. Employees must be encouraged to come forward with any information that may have an impact on the business.” Read More

TaxConnections Blog Post
Communication to Eliminate Tax Risk –
Tax Risk Management Web Interface System —V1.01 –

On-the-Radar Screen Issues

This is one of the key areas. This displays all tasks that have been identified by the tax team as risk areas within the organization and are known to the IRS. These risks have been quantified, and a total value of the overall tax risk exposure is displayed.

Off-the-Radar Screen Issues

This is another key area. This displays all tasks that have been identified by the tax team Read More