During the holiday season while taxpayers are busy with their families and holiday vacations, many people miss one of the best reports of all and that is Senator Rand Paul’s, (Republican from Kentucky) report on government waste. This is Senator Paul ninth year announcing government waste.  He calls this “Festivus Report” which spotlights $900 Billion dollars of waste of taxpayer money. Last years’ 2022 report, Senator Paul brought to our attention the national debt was  $30 TRILLION. He tells us both parties of Congress managed to approach 34 TRILLION in debt in just one year later. Remember BOTH parties VOTED to raise the debt limit to borrow even more in 2024. I think the media barely mentioned it on national tv.  What does that mean for us? Higher taxes… for certain!

“As our Congressional Representatives spend more to reward their favorite projects, American taxpayers pay more for everything.” Senator Rand Paul also states, “The same big spenders teamed up again to continue sending Americans hard earned money to foreign countries and funding endless wars, all while ignoring our southern border.”

LEARN how your taxpayer money is being wasted:

  1. What was supposed to be an A.I. System to verify proof of identity quickly exposed the stupidity of the 800 BILLION government Covid Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Some applications used Barbie Doll faces as proof of identity. The Small Business Administration approved the applicants, did not catch on barbie head shots in time and sent out improper Covid -19 PPP payments.
  2. $659 Billion for Interest on our National Debt: Borrowing to spend money we do not have is expensive! In Fiscal Year 2023, the US Department of Treasury spent $659 Billion just to pay interest on our National Debt.
  3. Dr Fauci’s Monkey Business: $33.2M to run South Carolinas 3,000 Monkey Colony. The NIH  (National Institute of Health) signed a $33.2Million contract with a business to house, feed, and care for these 3,000 monkeys before the monkeys are sent to research labs around the country. Senator Rand states “Apparently monkey business is BIG Business.”
  4. $6 Billion to boost Egyptian Tourism. The United States Agency For International Development(USAID) approved spending $6 Million to boost tourism in Egypt. The U.S. government has spent over $100 Million on Egyptian Tourism so far.
  5. Walking hot dogs and checking their rectal temperatures. The Agricultural Research Service at the USDA funded the study at Southern Illinois University and gets $1.7 BILLION a year from Congress allocated to “cutting edge” research funding to support a summer study that walked 16 dogs of two different colors – and measured their rectal temperatures.
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