Interview Guide: Preparing For An Interview

With three decades of experience preparing professionals for interviews, I want to teach you techniques and strategies that will help you excel at the interview process. Taking the time to plan-ahead and prepare for an interview is essential to your success. When you want to make a good impression, you must prepare for each interview thoughtfully in advance. Preparation is the key to successful interviews which lead to offers with companies. The primary purpose of this Interview Guide is twofold: 1) Prepare you for questions you should ask during the interview process and 2) Prepare you for questions you may be asked.

Preparation Prior To Interviews

Research the company prior to an interview and gather as much information as possible.  The interviewer(s) appreciate the fact you have done your homework on the company upfront. Your advance research demonstrates you have taken an interest in the company and are prepared to start a conversation with them. Research in advance also helps you to build a list of questions you will want to ask the people you meet in the company. Research the backgrounds of the key people who will be interviewing you; this enables you to discover if there are any similarities in your backgrounds or common ground on topics of discussion. Did you go to the same school, work for the same organization or type of firm, or enjoy the same sports or activities, etc.?

The more information you have about the company and people who will interview you, the quicker you can establish common ground during the interview. Each person who interviews you will view you through their own personal lens and they will be looking at what you may have in common with them. This is perfectly natural to do. The psychologist Donn Byrne was the first to develop a study that proved the impact of similarity on the early stages of relationships. His studies explain that most of us have a need for a logical and consistent view of the world. We tend to favor ideas and beliefs that support and reinforce that consistency.  Therefore, we are attracted to people more when they share our ideas and beliefs.

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