Senator From California Sponsors Bill To Give $300 Unemployment Checks To Illegal Immigrants, Paid For By California Taxpayers

According to an article in American Military News, that has mostly escaped national attention, the California Senate took a controversial step earlier this year toward providing massive unemployment benefits to illegal immigrants. The Bill was sponsored by California Senator Maria Durazo with the burden to be on California taxpayers.

In May, the California Senate voted to provide $300 weekly checks to unemployed illegal immigrants, according to The Free Beacon. The decision comes at a time when the state is grappling with a $31.5 billion deficit and heightened concerns about mass illegal immigration.

The Democratic state senators led by Sen. María Elena Durazo passed Senate Bill 227 with a 30-7 vote, sending the legislation to the Assembly for further deliberation. The proposed law aims to provide undocumented workers up to 20 weeks of $300 weekly unemployment checks, contingent on meeting minimal work requirements.

According to The Free Beacon, critics have pointed out that the unemployment insurance fund slated to administer these payments is already mired in $31 billion of fraud losses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, California employers, who are burdened with the fund’s $20 billion debt, face the prospect of increased payroll taxes, which is a point of contention for small businesses and restaurants, as both sectors have already been strained by stringent COVID-19.

The proposed law has a unique stipulation, as it would prohibit fund officials from asking claimants for their social security number eligibility or from verifying their employment status with past or current employers. Applicants would self-certify their qualifications using documentation such as tax returns or payment app logs.

The legislative development comes shortly after California’s Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom expressed concerns that the rising influx of undocumented migrants could “break” California.

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