How The World Finds A Tax Professional – A New Paradigm

These are very exciting times for tax professionals around the world. Hundreds of tax experts from countries that included: Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Equatorial Guinea, Greece, Honduras, Iraq, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, South Africa, Spain, UAE, United Kingdom and the United States, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico dialed in to my LIVE AUDIO CAST this week to learn information that surprised and engaged them in the current Paradigm Shift occurring for selling and promoting their tax skills and expertise.

When you have a world of tax professionals tuned in to TaxConnections you realize something very special is happening. Those who joined me this week realized they were all a part of this new paradigm in marketing their tax expertise online.

For those who did not make this particular session, allow me to highlight some of the more salient points made.

FACT: One Billion times a year, someone types the word “Tax” into their web browsers each year.

FACT: The old days of a referral as we know it are gone, people now go online for information including to Find A Tax Professional.

FACT: A tax professional is ultimately responsible for marketing their individual tax brands. Those who market themselves online will soar professionally.

FACT: You gain a HUGE professional advantage when it takes only a click or two for people to find you online!

FACT: You must attract someone’s attention fast or they go on to the next person on the internet. You have 3-5 seconds to catch a person’s attention online and then you have about one minute after that to “start” to build trust in looking at you further.

FACT: The number one challenge facing tax services providers is find new clients (or new opportunities) and retaining them.

FACT: People do not generally go to social media sites to Find A Tax Professional, they go to online directories to find one. You must be found in a TAX DIRECTORY where people can find you for FREE. People do not want to pay to Find A Tax Professional.

FACT: Most sites are buried at the bottom of the web browsers because they do not have a lot of new content running through them every day.

FACT: This year Google announced that they give priority weight on searches to authority sites or niche business communities.

FACT: The growth of Tax Associations has been impacted by the growth of online communities as a new generation of tax professionals goes to the internet in order to network.

FACT: Every tax professional must establish an online identity in an open tax directory in order to be found by the people searching for you.

FACT: Tax services providers lose potential new clients when they set up spam blockers on their emails, half the time people just walk away.

FACT: Tax professionals no longer need to spend thousands of dollars building a website and marketing their tax services every year. TaxConnections reduced your overhead to $199.95 a year, saving you thousands of dollars to market your tax services.

TaxConnections Worldwide Directory of Tax Professionals is moving our tax professional members to the top of the search engines TOGETHER.

Through the most cutting-edge proprietary software developed, TaxConnections is making tax professionals visible around globe. Listen to what our members are saying:

“As I listened to your Audio Cast, I realised how true it is, your own brand and name are of great importance and fact that the blog has a personal name behind each entry that is then attached to TaxConnections Worldwide Directory of Tax Professionals, makes a huge difference.

I have now had several good leads following on from the blog posts but what was also interesting was the old clients that traced me through the TaxConnections Worldwide Tax Blogs. For them I was the guy from XYZ company, just part of the corporate advisory team. Was it my name or was it my prominent ears, but I was duly spotted and contact was made, in once case some 14 years later..

Another client dating back to 1994, was sent my post on TaxConnections Worldwide Tax Blogs by their now UK tax advisors and now I am again assisting with their tax compliance, some 19 years and 7 months later. It was not LinkedIn but the Tax Connections tax blog entry that linked me to the interactive Worldwide Directory of Tax Professionals that they connected us once again, and for that I thank you…”

-Hugo Van Zyl, Western Cape, South Africa, October 31, 2013

“I want you to know that I got a new client from TaxConnections, and it may be the largest single tax project I have ever done.” George Prytula III, CPA, Orlando, Florida

“I enjoy working with TaxConnections, very professional and committed to great service.” Anthony Campisi, Tax Associates BPL Accounting & Taxation Pty Ltd., Sydney, Australia

“I am very impressed! Your website continues to exceed my wildest expectations.” Michael DeBlis, Managing Partner, Bloomfield, New Jersey, DeBlis & DeBlis

“TaxConnections is my insurance policy if I lose a client, TaxConnections delivers new ones to me. I am a believer now!” New York, NY

“Thank you for a wonderful and encouraging webcast on how to sell my tax services.” Tax Advisor, London, England

“My clients have increased, my advertising costs have decreased significantly on TaxConnections” Tax Manager, Los Angeles, CA

“Thank you for your wonderful and encouraging webcasts. They are refreshingly honest, informative and you clearly understand what happens to tax professionals in public accounting firms and law firms. I have experienced these same type of issues myself having worked in public accounting, law firms and a corporation. Right on point! Tax Consultant, San Diego, CA

We encourage you to join the interactive Worldwide Directory of Tax Professionals and see for yourself how your lives improve with a world of new connections who come to find you only at

The TaxConnections site benefits tax professionals in individual tax practices, international, national, regional and local public accounting firms and law practices, corporations, government and academia. We are currently awarding 1000 Membership Points to anyone who joins for an Annual Gold Membership this week. These Membership Points can be redeemed for great promotional and priority positioning on our site in the 1st quarter of 2014. Join us TODAY at You will be glad you did!

In accordance with Circular 230 Disclosure

Kat Jennings, TaxConnections, CEO and Founder and Advisory Team provides three areas of services: 1) Internationally recognized, retained executive search services for multinational corporations, public accounting firms, and law firms; 2) Introductions of sellers to buyers of small and medium size accounting firms; and 3) Provide brand building and education services that support and prepare accounting firm owners to buy/sell an accounting practice. We focus on educating the journey to sell a practice and how to increase firm revenue prior to any sale. Our program ensures you start years prior to a sale by learning what is expected of you during the selling process, and introducing firm Partners to cross selling opportunities that are easy to implement and reduce your workload at the same time. We introduce you to value added connections to smartly grow revenue in your accounting practice.

Kat Jennings has been retained by organizations worldwide to locate tax professionals with highly specialized tax knowledge and expertise. She has a thorough understanding of the tax business community, with a proven record of stellar performances matching professionals with organizations. Bringing two parties together to work successfully is the art of understanding personalities, cultural fit, expectations by both parties, flexible or inflexible work environments, understanding what drives and motivates each party, and revolves around the personality and ethics of each executive team.

Kat is a widely recognized expert in high level, tax executive search, as well as connecting buyers and sellers of accounting firms. TaxConnections provides and educates small to medium size accounting firms owners and Partners how to prepare and sell their firms so they can build a succession plan for their retirement. With larger firms seeking to acquire smaller accounting practices, there is a real need to help firm owners prepare to be acquired. Most firm owners are unaware they are not ready to sell when they decide to retire. TaxConnections educates firm owners’ what they need to do years in advance of selling an accounting firm practice.
Senior tax executives expect the utmost privacy when being introduced to multinational organizations about a new tax opportunity under consideration. Having said that, companies searching for a new head of tax expecting tax executive candidates to submit their resume through a resume portal, will never see a full slate of outstanding tax executives available due to a candidates’ desire for greater privacy. This is why privacy focused Uber Tax Recruiters consistently outperform in-house recruiters on tax executive searches.

We offer our clients a Performance Retainer Agreement arrangement so their HR department can still recruit and compete with the tax candidates we present on Head of Tax searches. The client pays us a partial fee upfront, and if they find a candidate they deem better than we introduce to them, we forfeit the final fee. Most of the time, they love and prefer our private introductions to tax executive candidates better than what they source through their own resume portals.

When we represent selling/buying small to medium-sized firms, firm owners/partners also demand greater privacy when considering the sale of their practice. TaxConnections provides a safe place to discuss their business needs, elevate their practices’ online reputation, and increase revenue through new streams of business development by outsourcing work and partnering with other firms. Over three decades, we have worked tirelessly to build relationships between firm owners most organizations rarely have access to in the world of tax. There are numerous possibilities you may never have considered previously to bolster the value of your practice and service offerings.

As a globally recognized consultant to multinational organizations, accounting firms, and law firms searching for tax expertise, Kat has been retained by public accounting firms, law firms, and corporations worldwide including Apple Computer, AC Neilson, Accenture, Agilent Technologies, Allergan, Alza, American Express, American Media, Aon, Baker & McKenzie, Barclays Bank, Bechtel, Cargill, Carl Zieuss Vision, Century Aluminum, Chevron, Clorox, Citigroup, Commercials Metals, Constellation Energy, Countrywide, Del Monte, Deloitte Touche, DFS, DLA Piper, E&J Gallo Winery, Electronic Arts, Ernst &Young, Fox Entertainment, Fremont Investments, General Electric,General Motors, Herbalife, Hewlett Packard, Hyatt, Intel, Jones Lang LaSalle, Kimco Realty, KLA Tencor, Koch Industries, KPMG, Levi Strauss, Liberty Mutual, LKQ, Loews, Logitech, Lucas Film, Maersk, McKesson, Nalco, Newell Rubbermaid, Nissan, Oracle, Orbitax, Pacific Gas & Electric, PwC, QAD, SAIC, SanDisk, Sanmina, Sempra Energy, SONY, Synopsys, Ticketmaster, Trimble Navigation, Toyota, Univar, Wal-Mart, Wells Fargo, Vertex, Yahoo, Xilinx, and many more not listed here.
Contact Kat at 858,999.0053 Office/858.232.4415 Cell or to request a private consultation regarding the sale of your practice, adding top talent to your organization, or merging your practice with another firm owner with a book of business. The possibilities are endless; if you have a dream of a new vision for your professional life; we will scout opportunities throughout the market to make it happen.

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2 comments on “How The World Finds A Tax Professional – A New Paradigm

  • Darren Sanford aka The Network Marketer's CPA

    There has truly been a shift in the way society looks for a tax professional. TaxConnections is a wonderful resource and I’m proud to be a small part of such an awesome group. Make it an awesome day!

  • This blog post is even more relevant considering the changes made in 2013 by Google to introduce the Hummingbird algorithm and especially the update to Penguin. Searches are becoming less about keywords and more about authority. This means having keywords plus other ways of presenting an authoritative voice. Some examples are sharing on social media the content from reputable blogs such as this one at TaxConnections.

    Also valuable is having links of a trustworthy website placed in relevant comments on your blog. This is a way of inviting colleagues to share your blog posts. It all starts by having quality content on your website as well as possessing reputable credentials and connections. To accomplish this, many tax pros who are not CPAs or tax attorneys take the Enrolled Agent exam. The course at leads to the desired result of EA credentials. Follow up by joining NAEA, commenting on the blogs of other EAs and TaxConnections, and sharing content as a well-connected tax expert.

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