New 2024 California Law: Taxpayers Giveaway To Illegal Immigrants

New 2024 California Law: Taxpayers Giveaway To Illegal Immigrants

According to Carl DeMaio of Reform California,

Illegal Immigrants Will Get a Bunch More Free Stuff at Your Expense!

Despite the fact that California faces a massive $68 billion deficit this year, Gavin Newsom and California Democrats are continuing to divert billions of dollars in state taxpayer funds to provide a wide range of free services and benefits to illegal immigrants – including completely free healthcare.

In 2015, California Democrats started providing free taxpayer-funded healthcare services to illegal immigrants 19-25 and those over 50.  Starting January 1, 2024, there will be no age restriction to the free taxpayer-funded healthcare services to illegal immigrants.

Over 700,000 additional illegal immigrants will receive new healthcare benefits as of January 1, 2024 – making the total number of illegal immigrants eligible for free taxpayer-funded healthcare 2.4 million! The cost to taxpayers? $5-7 billion per year!

That’s not all. To add insult to injury, California Democrats are using $60 million in state taxpayer funds to hire free lawyers that illegal immigrants can use to sue our own government as well as fight deportation.

And now California Democrats are even giving out taxpayer-funded goodies to foreign citizens! Mexican citizens who still live in Mexico will be allowed to receive “in-state tuition discounts” at California colleges!

“California is incentivizing human trafficking by giving away taxpayer-funded welfare to illegal immigrants – and it has to stop if we are to secure the border,” DeMaio says.

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