Federal Income Tax Treatment Of Contributions To Partnerships With Related Foreign Partners

No gain or loss generally is recognized on a transfer of property to a partnership in exchange for an interest in that partnership for federal income tax purposes (note that “partnership” here includes a limited liability company). Different rules, however, apply when the partnership has foreign partners that are related to the person transferring the property.

Exchanges of Property

When property is exchanged for other property, each party to the exchange generally is taxed on the difference between the fair market value of the property that the party receives over the adjusted basis of the property that the party transfers.[1] A property’s adjusted basis in most cases is the amount paid to acquire it after taking into account such factors as depreciation or amortization.[2] Thus, the transfer of property in exchange for a partnership interest generally would result in the recognition of gain or loss to the transferor and the partnership in the absence of a provision in the Internal Revenue Code preventing this result.

Contributions of Property to a Partnership

Section 721(a) is that provision. This section generally provides that no gain or loss is recognized to the partnership or its partners when there is a contribution of property in exchange for an interest in the partnership. Instead, the person contributing the property takes a basis in the partnership interest equal to the adjusted basis of the property.[3] Likewise, the partnership’s basis in the contributed property is the same as its adjusted basis in the hands of the transferor.[4] These provisions serve to preserve the built-in gain in the contributed property until the partnership sells or otherwise disposes of the property.

Partnerships are not taxed at the entity level.[5] Instead, the partners are taxed on their distributive shares of partnership income, with these shares generally being determined by the partnership agreement.[6]

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Unraveling The Mystery of BOI (Beneficial Ownership Information)

Unraveling the Mystery of BOI: In 2024, the term BOI (Beneficial Ownership Information) will become a buzzword in the business world. But what does it truly entail? At its core, BOI is about greater transparency, requiring businesses to disclose the identities of individuals who own, control, or significantly influence company operations. This move, aimed at combating financial crimes and increasing corporate accountability, is not just a regulatory hoop to jump through. It’s a chance to showcase your business’s commitment to ethical practices and transparency.

Revamping Your Approach to Compliance: Adapting to the BOI isn’t just about meeting a new legal requirement; it’s an opportunity to overhaul your business’s approach to compliance. This means thoroughly reviewing your ownership structure, updating your internal documentation processes, and ensuring all your data is accurate and readily accessible. It’s about shifting from a reactive posture to one that is strategically proactive, ensuring that compliance becomes a seamless part of your business operations.

BOI as a Competitive Edge: In a market where trust and reliability are premium currencies, embracing BOI can set your business apart. By proactively adopting these new measures, you’re not just complying with laws; you’re sending a clear message to your clients and competitors. Your business doesn’t just value transparency; it embeds it in its core operations. This can be a significant differentiator in an increasingly competitive and socially conscious market.

Navigating the BOI Reporting Process: The reporting process for BOI can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. This section will walk you through the essentials of effective BOI reporting, from identifying the right beneficial owners to documenting their involvement in your business. We’ll also touch on the importance of maintaining this information, updating it as changes occur, and ensuring it is always report-ready.

Technology: Your BOI Ally: Technology is a critical ally in managing BOI requirements in the digital age. From advanced CRM systems to secure cloud databases, having the right technology can streamline your compliance processes and provide enhanced security and accessibility to your beneficial ownership data. Leveraging these tools can significantly reduce the manual burden of compliance and allow you to focus on what you do best – growing your business.

2024’s BOI compliance isn’t a hurdle; it’s your launchpad. You can turn these new regulations into a catalyst for unparalleled business success with the right mindset and strategies. Don’t just comply; lead the way in your industry.

Ready to conquer the BOI challenge and emerge as a leader in compliance? Reach out to Robin Boyd, Essential Accounting Consultants for a strategy session that puts you on the map.

Proper Documentation For Your Tax Return: No Check! Where's Your Proof?

Preparing to file your tax return is a great time to ensure you have proper documentation to substantiate your tax deductions. This is important as many banks start deleting online documentation that is over one year old.


Two things have happened over the past ten years that have greatly reduced the ability to have a canceled check as proof when the auditor comes calling. The first is the advent of online bill paying services. The second is a regulation commonly known as Check 21. With online bill paying, you pay a bill via an online banking service. Your only receipt is often just an entry in your checking account. With Check 21, the law allows banks to digitally capture the check and then destroy the paper copy without returning it to you. So what do you do if you need proof that you paid for a tax deductible item?

Some Tips

  • Know your bank. Understand what your bank keeps and for how long. This includes digital statements and digital copies of checks (both front and back). Understand if there are any fees charged if you need to request copies of payments.
  • Retain copies of all bank statements. Review your records to ensure you have copies of all monthly bank statements. This is often the starting point for an IRS agent that wants proof of payment, so it should be yours as well. These copies may be in either paper or digital format. Download online copies of your statements and place them in a password protected file.
  • Collect copies of tax related proof of payment. Go through your statements and mark the payments that will, in all likelihood, be used as a tax deduction. Make sure you have copies of the front and back of each of these payments. If you do this work now, the copies are often still available online for no fee. Even online bill payments often have a digital copy that can be used.
  • Get independent acknowledgements. If you have larger payments you should also make sure you have independent acknowledgement from the merchant or organization to substantiate the deduction. This is true for charitable contributions of $250 or more, and any business or medical expenses.

While having the traditional proof of an expenditure is now harder to come by, the IRS understands that approved technologies are changing the type of substantiation available for them to review. By being on top of this documentation each year, you can save yourself a lot of headaches should you ever need to prove your deductions.

Category: The Audit

From the Newsletter of Gary Carter.

Raleigh, North Carolina Property Tax Increase in 2024

An article posted on the Wake County Government site in Raleigh, North Carolina promulgated in January 2024 updates residents pay in property taxes.

Raleigh residents will receive letters about property tax value updates. The majority of property values have gone up.

This revaluation is effective Jan. 1. It may affect how much Raleigh residents pay in property taxes on their next tax bill.  However, the impact on your tax bill is not yet known.

How does this affect my taxes?

Two factors contribute to property taxes:

  1. the property’s assessed value; and,
  2. the tax rate per $100 of value set each year by elected county and municipal officials.

Wake County and the City of Raleigh are required to publish revenue neutral tax rates. The revenue neutral tax rate is calculated to generate the same amount of revenue after allowing for normal growth. The revenue neutral tax rate is likely to be lower than the current tax rate, as property values in general have increased.

The revenue neutral tax rate is still being calculated. We will update this article when that happens.

As part of the annual budget process, City staff recommends options for the tax rate needed to fund City services. This proposal will come in late Spring 2024. Raleigh’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Therefore, the FY25 budget must be adopted by June 30.

Why is this happening?

Every four years, Wake County revalues real estate property. NC law requires it. The revaluations set the tax value of all land (residential and commercial) and structures, like homes, office buildings, stores, and farms.

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A Smart Strategy To Defer Capital Gains: **Harnessing the Power of Opportunity Zones

Are you an investor looking for innovative ways to manage your capital gains?  The Opportunity Zone Program might just be the solution you’ve been seeking. Introduced as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, this program offers substantial tax incentives for investors who funnel their capital gains into designated Opportunity Zones, stimulating economic growth in underserved communities across the United States.

Here’s how it works: By reinvesting short-term or long-term capital gains from various sources—whether it be from a C-Corp, S-Corp, Partnership, or individual stock market activity —into qualified Opportunity Zone investments, investors can defer and potentially permanently reduce their federal and (most) state tax liabilities. Particularly advantageous is the ability to defer capital gains realized in 2023, including those reported in October, November and December, as well as any capital gains incurred in calendar 2024.

By timely investing capital gains into an Opportunity Zone Fund (including a “captive” OZ Fund that you can fully control), investors can achieve several key objectives:

**1. Capital Gain Deferral:** By reinvesting all or a portion of the capital gain income into a Qualified Opportunity Fund with 180 days of generating the capital gain, Investors can defer paying taxes on their long or short-term capital gains until 2026 or until they sell their Opportunity Zone investment, whichever comes first. This deferral allows investors to retain more of their gains to reinvest and compound over time.

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LIFO vs. FIFO: Choosing the Right Inventory Identification Method

Inventory identification is a crucial aspect of managing a company’s finances. It impacts your cost of goods sold (COGS), profitability, and ultimately, your tax burden. Two prominent inventory identification methods are LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) and FIFO (First-In, First-Out). Each method comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and understanding these differences is essential for making informed decisions for your business.

LIFO vs FIFO: When To Use Which

Both LIFO and FIFO offer tax advantages and disadvantages. LIFO can help businesses reduce their tax liability in times of rising costs, as it allows them to match higher costs with current revenues. FIFO, on the other hand, provides a more accurate representation of the actual cost of goods sold but may result in higher taxes during inflation.

Deciding the optimal method depends on your unique business. Here are some things to consider:

1. Industry Spice:

Is your industry prone to fluctuating costs, like oil & gas? LIFO might be your flavor. Stable industries like retail often prefer FIFO’s simplicity.

2. Price Trends:

Are prices rising, falling, or steady? LIFO shines in inflationary times, while FIFO is better for deflationary periods.

3. Financial Reporting Transparency:

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Getting Tax Advice: What Should You Know To Get Free Tax Help And Professional Guidance

Are you navigating the confusing world of taxes and wondering where most people turn for advice? You might be surprised to learn that despite the myriad of professional resources available, 53% of taxpayers — still rely on friends and family for tax advice. This trend is particularly prevalent among younger taxpayers, who often turn to digital sources or personal networks. Meanwhile, older taxpayers tend to gravitate towards traditional printed materials for guidance.

In this blog, we’ll dive into how you can access free or low-cost tax help and what you should know when seeking professional guidance. From IRS-supported services to tapping into the expertise of tax professionals, we’ll explore the avenues to ensure your tax filing is as smooth and stress-free as possible. So, let’s get started and turn tax season from a time of confusion to a period of confident decision-making!

Choosing the Right Tax Advisor: Get Free Help from Qualified Professionals

Selecting the ideal tax advisor can be a game-changer for your financial health. In a sea of options, how do you find free, qualified assistance that aligns with your unique tax situation? Let’s navigate through the process of identifying the right tax professional, ensuring they have the expertise and compatibility to meet your specific needs.

Assessing Your Needs

When it comes to choosing the right tax advisor, the first step is assessing your needs. This means taking a close look at your financial situation, tax obligations, and what you specifically require from tax assistance. Are you looking for someone to help with straightforward tax filing, or do you need more comprehensive tax planning and strategy advice? Understanding your needs is crucial in finding a tax professional who can provide the most effective and relevant support.

In this assessment phase, consider factors like your income sources, investment portfolio, and whether you have any specific tax situations, such as owning a business or having multiple income streams. Younger taxpayers might prioritize digital convenience and the best tax software, while others might value personalized, face-to-face guidance from a tax professional. By clearly defining your needs, you can better target your search for tax assistance, ensuring that the advice you receive is tailored to your circumstances and fully addresses your tax concerns.

Researching Qualified Tax Professionals

To manage your tax affairs effectively, you must find a tax professional who aligns with your needs. It’s not just about finding someone qualified; it’s about finding someone who understands the nuances of your unique tax situation, whether it’s simple tax filing or more complex tax planning and strategy. For example, a business owner might need multiple financial professionals to ensure tax season goes smoothly. 

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TaxConnections Will Transform How Your Tax Expertise Is Discovered Online

We realize you are busy this time of year. However, we highly recommend you are alerted to the transformation occurring in the way people find tax advisors and tax services online.

TaxConnections has been introducing high-net-worth business executives to technically talented tax advisors for thirty years. View clients we have referred tax professionals on searches: https://www.taxconnections.com/tax-executive-search-services

TaxConnections transformation to AI will greatly impact how tax professionals connect with high-net-worth individuals, small and medium businesses, and multinational corporations. We are building our AI transformation around the relationships we have with tax advisors appearing on www.taxconnections.com. In other words, your tax expertise will surface in our A.I. search algorithm if you are a  TaxConnections Member or a TaxConnections Sponsor.

We suggest you position your firm Tax Advisors on the soon to be transformed to A.I. search technology. If you are not have a paid subscription on our platform, your tax services will not be found. When you join as a TaxConnections Member, you will appear as referred for new business on our platform.

To drive results and save resources, marketers are using AI to carefully target niche demographics, and optimize marketing campaigns based on valuable insights. Marketers are also
using behavioral targeting powered by AI marketing in front of the right people. Millions of taxpayers come to TaxConnections to find the right tax advisors with specialty expertise. Once AI is implemented (what we feed into our AI Brain), it will be easier for our visitors to find a wide range of specialty tax expertise and resources.

In Deloitte’s State of AI in the Enterprise, 3rd Edition, 26% of the people surveyed and 45% of AI adopters agree that AI has enabled them to gain a significant advantage over their competitors.

If you would like to have your tax services advisors receive referrals on the TaxConnections AI searches , please reply with a time to speak with you over the phone. We will ensure your visibility gains a  competitive advantage selling tax services. Request a Sponsor summary.

Early Adopters Get The Clients!

All the best,

Kat Jennings, CEO
858.999.0053 X100
View Kat Jennings BIO: https://www.taxconnections.com/Kat-Jennings-CEO/12257589/United-States/California/California/profilepage

Source Advisors, a market leading tax consulting firm provides R&D Tax Credit, Cost Segregation, §179D, §45L, and LIFO inventory solutions nationwide for more than 38 years, has launched GOAT.tax, an automated research & development tax credit SaaS platform to service clients across a variety of industries. Many CPA firms now outsource its R&D Tax Credit services to Source Advisors who is providing white labeled outsourced services to public accounting firms.

With over 50 dedicated R&D tax credit professionals ready to provide support, GOAT.tax takes all the guesswork out of a complex tax incentive by offering an easy-to-use, self-guided experience along with payroll system integration. Their SmartCreditEngine crunches the numbers to make sure each company gets their maximum tax benefit.

“We are thrilled to be able to bring this automated software to the market. Launching GOAT.tax gives smaller businesses and start-ups the opportunity to learn about their eligibility for the R&D tax credit. GOAT.tax will service industries and companies that previously overlooked the possibility of claiming the R&D tax credit due to more limited research expenses. The SaaS platform compliments our current Source Advisors R&D tax credit practice, which will continue to provide best in class service to larger clients that want a more consultative approach,” said Chris Henderson, President of Source Advisors.

Would you like to outsource your firms R&D Tax Credit work to leading experts? Contact Eric Larson, Source Advisors. 415.730.5247 or Eric.Larson@SourceAdvisors.com.

Why Does An Economist Want To Raise Taxes To 70% – 80% ?(Using Celebrities And Athletes To Do So)

On January 6, 2021, TaxConnections posted our research of an Economist educating students on the importance of raising taxes to 70% – 80%. Fast forward a few years and we see taxes being raised by State Governors throughout the US to pay for services these states cannot afford. We want to remind you who is behind the new generation of education on tax hikes.

There is a Master Class being marketed to new generations of students online. This course teaches students they should rely on the government to take care of people; and raise taxes to 70% to 80%. The Master Class is taught by Economist Paul Krugman who states in the course preview  “When you are trying to be doing tax policy, the first thing you want to ask is, how much money do we need? How big a government do we want?” Klugman states “We need a tax system that collects a lot of money.”

What the Master Class does is use celebrities and famous athletes to communicate this message to a new generation of youthful taxpayers. The course promotes itself as learning from the world’s best entrepreneurs. It is using celebrities to motivate their students thinking to rely on the government. Take time to learn what Nobel Prize winning Economists like Paul Krugman is teaching in the Video: Understanding Taxes.  Look on Wikipedia to see who funded Master Class. It was Yanka Industries, and if you look deeper The Walt Disney Company is also investing in educating our kids:

MasterClass raised $100 million in a Series E investment round led by Fidelity Management & Research Company. Other investors include Owl Ventures, 01 Advisors and previous backers NEA, IVP, Atomico and NextEquity. This latest capital infusion “puts us on the IPO path,” says co-founder and CEO David Rogier. May 21, 2020

Read these links for more background information:




TaxConnections Asks Tax Eagles To Look Out For Taxpayers

TaxConnections asks our tax professional community to have their voices be heard. TaxConnections provides a non – partisan platform for all voices on tax issues. We need your “eagle expert eyes” to stay on top of tax rules and regulations the public may not be aware of right now. Many tax professionals find clients caught in tax matters that had little transparency until the tax issue arose.

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Strong Majority Of New Yorkers Support Raising Taxes On Wealthy (According To Poll)

If you believe in Polls, we thought this article posted by Spectrum News was an interesting one!  We would like to hear from real people in New York what they think about raising taxes in the comments below. This poll was conducted by Siena College which is supported by the government.

“A strong majority of New Yorkers support raising taxes on wealthy earners and profitable corporations to fund public programs, according to a new poll commissioned by Invest in Our New York Campaign and conducted by Siena College that was released Friday.

The poll found 74% of state residents believe taxes should go up for the highest 5% of earners. About the same percentage of respondents, and 72% of upstate residents, believe raising taxes on the rich should be the solution to address any state budget shortfall rather than cutting services, according to the poll.

In addition, 64% of people, including 79% of Democrats, said they would favor a political candidate who supported raising taxes while 27% said they would favor a candidate who supported cutting spending to control state spending.

“Working-class New Yorkers, the people who wake up each day to strive for a better future for themselves and their families, continue to be the victims of budget cuts and diminished state resources. In the meantime, the ultra-rich continue to accumulate wealth. If our leaders do not intervene, the affordability crisis in New York will only get worse,” said Carolyn Martinez-Class, campaign manager at Invest In Our New York. “This poll affirms that most New Yorkers agree: it is high time that the wealthiest among us pay their fair share of taxes to ensure a thriving, equitable environment for everyone. Governor Hochul and our legislative leaders must answer the call of their constituents and include common-sense policies in the 2024 budget that raise taxes on the ultra-rich and invest in our communities.”

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Rental Property Owners Maximize Tax Savings Through Cost Segregation Studies
Cost Segregation For Short Term Rental Owners

As a short-term rental property owner, maximizing your tax savings is essential for the success of your investment. One effective strategy to achieve this is through cost segregation.

Cost segregation is a tax-saving technique that allows you to accelerate the depreciation of certain assets in your property. Traditionally, real estate is depreciated over 27.5 or 39 years, while personal property is depreciated over 5 to 7 years and land improvements receiving a 15-year treatment. Cost segregation allows you to reclassify certain components of your property, such as appliances, fixtures, and special use electrical & plumbing as personal property, enabling you to depreciate them over a shorter timeframe. This results in larger tax deductions in the early years of ownership, reducing your taxable income and ultimately lowering your tax burden.

The beauty of cost segregation is its versatility, it can unlock tax savings for a diverse range of short-term rental properties, including:

Urban Apartments

Studio apartments, lofts, and trendy condos catering to business travelers or weekend getaways can benefit from cost segregation on appliances, furniture, smart home systems, and even rooftop amenities like grills and hot tubs.

Shared Accommodations

Hostels, co-living spaces, and even shared vacation homes can leverage cost segregation for common areas like kitchens, bathrooms, laundry facilities, and entertainment zones.

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