Form 4797, Tax Planning, Sales Allocation And More (Free Webinar With 1 IRS CE Credit)

Simply put, IRS Form 4797 is a tax form that’s used specifically for reporting the gains or losses made from the sale or exchange of business and income producing property used in a trade or business. However, this form often generates countless amounts of uncertainty and anxiety.

This course will assist tax pros in determining whether a transaction is a capital gain or ordinary income and what tax consequences are associated with each. Furthermore, assist on allocation of sales price and provide tax planning overview. Join us in deciphering the mystery of Form 4797.

Learning Objectives REGISTER HERE

– Analysis of Tax Planning and difference between the Seller’s and Buyer’s tax treatment
– Analysis of Allocation of Sales Price on different classes of assets
– Discovery Basic choices regarding the Allocation of Sales Price
– Correctly identify § 1231 Property.
– Examine the difference between §§ 1245 and 1250 Property.
– Inspect issues surrounding de minimis safe harbor of repair regulations.
– Assess Form 8594 and the seven classes of assets
– Differentiate between depreciation recapture and capital gain.
– Identify Unrecapture Depreciation.

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EA Prep Exam

The only live & interactive online EA course – get your questions answered and doubts clarified right away!
Includes these standalone study tools: Lambers, Gleim, and TheTaxBook*!
TaxMama® teaches tax law, practice and representation in live classes – from the ground up!
TaxMama® guides you through several tax return samples and forms to help you see how the tax laws and procedures work for real-world clients – not just for the exams!
TaxMama® teaches you how to read your clients minds, offers templates to help you start your own tax practice and screen clients, and gives you priceless tips to make your professional life easier after you become an EA!
TaxMama® students get additional test-taking coaching in twelve 4-hour Final Review sessions (four per exam part) in addition to the course lectures!
TaxMama® teaches you how to overcome your fear when facing exam questions!
TaxMama® students have unlimited access to a dedicated mentoring portal – even after they pass!
TaxMama’s® courses are all recorded, you have unlimited replays of all classes (video AND audio)
TaxMama’s® course is like a 3-year tax education in 6 months (or less)!
TaxMama® students can join lectures for free – every year (and can get CE for only a small fee)!
TaxMama’s® EA course provides up to 80 hours CE – including all 15 CE credits needed for the Reduced AFSP Certificate of Completion – helping you to improve your professional status before you get your EA credential!
TaxMama’s® EA course is easy to customize to fit your needs.

250 Free Free Jokes

We have a free gift for all tax professionals today! TaxConnections gives our complimentary eBook to every tax professional. Enjoy a compilation of more than 250+ tax jokes and fun tax forms with this complimentary download. Over 3000 copies downloaded:)

We want to give you something to remind you to take a moment today to enjoy your life with laughter! There are many known health benefits to laughter including: lowers blood pressure, reduces  stress hormones, improves cardiac health, boosts T-Cells, triggers the release of endorphins, and produces a general sense of well-being. Laughing is also very good for you! Add more laughter to your life today!

Request your complimentary copy:

250+ Best Tax Jokes, Tax Quotes, Fun Tax Forms.

Tax Executives: Learn How Federal Tax Credits Expert Addison Henry Helps Your Company Legally Reduce Taxes 15% To 20%

Meet the expert in Federal Tax Credits who Tax Executives in banking insurance, and energy companies want to connect with about Federal Tax Credit Investing.  As TaxConnections CEO, I am happy to introduce and connect you with Addison Henry. Please listen to Addison’s Podcast Interview to learn more about him.

Learn how Addison Henry helps publicly and privately held companies reduce their tax liability by 15% – 20%. In short I use C-Corps Tax Liability to invest in federal credits and in the end he saves the investor about 15%-20% on their tax bill. Nothing new or revolutionary, but because of the Inflation Reduction Act more CFO’s, CEO’s, Treasury Dept’s and Holding Companies are paying closer attention. Stay connected, be fruitful and tune in 🙂

Over the past year we have encountered CPA Partners and Corporate Tax Executives who want to meet him. You can reach out to Addison Henry at this link:  (Listen To Vine Podcast on his Professional Page to get to know him.) We guarantee you will enjoy working with Addison as much as we have gotten to know and learn about him, too.


Secrets Of The Tax Universe: New Client Acquisition Strategies That Work To Easily Market Your Tax Services Online

This blog post will educate readers on tax professionals who have positioned themselves as having the best opportunity to acquire new clients during this market. Our study of client acquisition strategies and successes has taught us there are two activities that work wonders in growing a business in the tax  profession.

We have watched how firms we have supported have grown from 2 to 20 professionals over the past few years utilizing the strategies we have taught them using our technology platform. The concept is about building trust with an audience interested in tax matters. Tax professionals educating prospective clients through written blog content gain the trust of a steady stream of tax professionals and taxpayers reading what they write. It takes about 5-7 articles to gain a fanbase as they learn more about you through your writing activity. Writing blog posts is the number one way to build a fan base. It takes time to write but it is good to build a loyal fan base this way. If you are a writer, you need an audience interested in reading your tax articles and what you gain as a TaxConnections Member is a great distribution channel of readers of tax articles:

If you write blogs, it is vitally important to have a strong distribution channel of readers, and this is a  great benefit to TaxConnections Members. We discovered many tax professionals have great articles written on their own websites, yet they did not have the distribution channels to reach people interested in reading their articles. Another interesting fact we discovered were the tax professionals who wrote great articles, yet their posts could only be seen by people who paid for subscriptions to these publishers. What benefit is it to writers when readers are blocked from reading an article until they pay the publisher to read a tax professionals article? Tax professionals write to attract clients and TaxConnections benefits our members by ensuring their content is delivered to an interested audience for free. Each week we distribute our members blogs more than 100,000 times to an audience that would otherwise not know about them. We work with our members to distribute any content they have written within the last year. If you have worked hard to build content for readers, you will benefit greatly from our distribution network. Look at our Site Metrics.

Want to know why our site visitors stay longer on each visit and look at more pages on each visit than other major tech sites? The reason is simple…our visitors love to read about tax matters. For those who write about tax matters in a language people can understand; you are knocking your marketing strategy out of the ballpark. The number one secret I discovered working with CFOs for three decades is what most of them privately shared with me through our tax executive search division, ” As a CFO, I need you to find me a tax leader who can explain tax issues in a language I can understand!” This is an absolute true statement working closely with CFOs on highly complex tax executive search assignments.

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Congress Still In The Dark On OECD Pillar One Global Tax Deal Impact On The United States

Washington, D.C.–Following the release of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Pillar One multilateral convention text and accompany documents, as well as an announcement from the U.S. Department of Treasury seeking public input on those documents, U.S. Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) issued the statement below:

Over two years ago, I wrote Secretary Yellen warning that any OECD Pillar One agreement “must not discriminate against, or disproportionately affect, American businesses.”  While I oppose discriminatory digital services taxes (DSTs) targeting US companies, I also want to ensure that the OECD cure is not worse than the DST disease for U.S. businesses and workers.  Unfortunately—despite repeated requests—Treasury has been unwilling to provide information to determine Pillar One’s impact on U.S. companies and revenue.  I urge Treasury to immediately provide that information to Congress.  I also look forward to receiving feedback from our impacted companies on this 800+ page proposal.  Embracing such sweeping and complex changes to global taxing rights which may have an overwhelmingly disproportionate impact on our companies before that information and feedback is available would be irresponsible.

Read more:

Top 3 Things In Business To Foster Growth

No matter how bold or ambitious your plans are to grow your business, success fundamentally relies on three critical, interdependent components: operational excellence, customer relations/communications, and financial management. This blog post explores these cornerstones, offering strategies to enhance these elements for sustained business growth.

Operational Excellence

Operational excellence refers to the execution of your business strategy more consistently and reliably than the competition. Achieving operational excellence requires an unrelenting focus on efficiency, productivity, and process optimization. Leverage technology to automate routine tasks, empower your team with clear goals and objectives, and continually evaluate your processes for improvement. Remember, operational excellence isn’t a destination—it’s an ongoing journey of continuous improvement.

Consult with our experts to drive operational excellence in your business.

Customer Relations/Communications

Customer relations and communications can make or break your business. Your customers should always be at the heart of your business decisions. Focus on building relationships, not just transactions. Listen to your customers, anticipate their needs, and strive to exceed their expectations. Embrace transparency in your communications, and foster trust with consistency and reliability.

Discover our suite of tools to enhance customer relations and communications.

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Complimentary eBook: 250+Motivational Inspirations For Tax Teams

Motivating teams is important because it affects the overall performance of your organization. An employee’s motivation is direct result of the sum of interactions with those who lead them. Great leaders and coaches consistently work on motivating a team in order to increase their commitment, efficiency, satisfaction and professional development. This starts with positive communication that motivates team members to excel. As a leader, you must invest the time to increase team motivation to gain optimal results. TaxConnections offers a complimentary eBook of ideas and phrases you can use to message your team members daily. We have spoken to tax leaders and receivers of these phrases who look forward to receiving this positive and inspirational quotes to guide them through their work days. When is the last time you sent your team members an inspirational quote as you lead your organization throughout the day? You can start today using this complimentary leadership tool!

TaxConnections complimentary eBook 250+ Motivational Quotes And Inspirations helps you build positive communication with team members which improves overall performance.


Corporate Tax Rates Around The World And How To Find Tax And Technology Experts For Your Corporate Organization

In my opinion, the tax leaders around the world have the toughest job around the globe as tax rates shift and rise to collect more tax revenue to make up for government shortfalls. Corporate tax leaders do an amazing job tracking the ever changing rules and regulations with the likes of extraordinary tax law research software(i.e. Orbitax). I recently spoke with a leading tax expert who wrote an entire book for Thomson Reuters using Orbitax. However, this article is about the corporate tax rates as seen at the expert researchers at The Tax Foundation around the Corporate Tax Rates 2022.

According to The Tax Foundation, “Six countries increased their top corporate rates: Colombia (31 percent to 35 percent), South Sudan (25 percent to 30 percent), Netherlands[4] (25 percent to 25.8 percent), Turkey (20 percent to 23 percent), Chile (10 percent to 27 percent), and Montenegro (9 percent to 15 percent).” and “Ten countries across four continents—Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Tajikistan, France, Greece, Monaco, and French Polynesia—reduced their corporate tax rates in 2022. The tax rate reductions ranged from just 1.5 percentage points in Monaco to a 5 percentage point reduction in Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Zambia, and Tajikistan.

If you want to be up-to-date, you can also gather your research from Orbitax who we know is continuously working on updates on corporate tax updates around the world. We conducted a five month exhaustive tax executive search for a top tax technology and tax law expert this past year and know they hire the very best people in the tax profession. Orbitax tax research software is becoming the go to tax research software in the corporate market. View the charts at The Tax Foundation for an overall look at the Corporate Tax Rates for 2022. Unfortunately, we expect the rates to rise this year for individuals and businesses due to global war funding. As CEO of,  we pray level-headed leaders work towards world peace.

For the record, this is not  a paid advertisement. This information was learned through five months research on tax and technology.) If you would like us to conduct research for you on tax and technology experts call 858.999.0053 X100 or email


As the National Taxpayer Advocate, I advocate for all taxpayers, regardless of whether they reside in the United States or abroad. Our hearts go out to the impacted people in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza because of the terrorist attacks beginning on October 7, 2023. I applaud the IRS for quickly providing filing and some payment relief for these taxpayers.

IRS Notice 2023-71

On Friday, October 13, 2023, the IRS issued Notice 2023-71, which provides a postponement of the due dates for filing tax returns and making payments. Affected taxpayers will have until October 7, 2024, to file tax returns, make tax payments, and perform certain time-sensitive acts listed in Treas. Reg. § 301.7508A-1(c)(1) and Rev. Proc. 2018-58, 2018-50 I.R.B. 990 (December 10, 2018), that are due to be performed on or after October 7, 2023, and before October 7, 2024.

The affected taxpayers are:

  • Any individual whose principal residence, and any business entity or sole proprietor whose principal place of business, is located in the State of Israel, the West Bank or Gaza (covered area);
  • Any individual affiliated with a recognized government or philanthropic organization and who is assisting in the covered area, such as a relief worker;
  • Any individual, business entity or sole proprietor, or estate or trust whose tax return preparer or records necessary to meet a deadline for postponed acts are located in the covered area;
  • Any spouse of an affected taxpayer, solely with regard to a joint return of two married individuals; and
  • Any individual visiting the covered area who was killed, injured, or taken hostage as a result of the October 7, 2023, terrorist attacks.

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Tax Professionals And Taxpayers: - Listen To Bob Marley Songs

Listen To Bob Marley – Redemption Song

As the CEO of, we do not promote war of any kind and pray for peace for all. Our tax community promotes peace. Bob Marley is a legend I was fortunate to grow up listening to his music during my baby boomer generation. God Bless that Angel in the sky…Bob Marley. TaxConnections stands for bringing people together to support each other and respected all people and religions. He had a belief in something bigger than himself. He understood that God lives within us.

Listen To Bob Marley Sing The Redemption Song: 

Listen To Bob Marley Sing Get Up, Stand Up:

Listen To Bob Marley Sing War/No More Trouble:

Interpretation Of Get Up, Stand Up From uDiscoverMusic site:

“Get Up, Stand Up” was apparently written in response to a visit to Haiti, when Bob saw the poverty of the island’s people. It is not easy to find concrete evidence about the details of Bob’s trip there, and he was no stranger to poverty, having grown up in the Trenchtown ghetto of Kingston, Jamaica, so chances are Bob might have been moved to write the song anyway.

Whatever inspired it, Bob’s message is clear. For the first two verses, he tells the people not to wait until the next life to find fulfillment; it’s their right to be free and happy on this planet. The lines denying that God will come down from the sky to sort out the world’s problems may seem strange coming from a singer who was deeply religious, but it’s perfectly in keeping with Bob’s Rasta faith: Bob’s God was not above the clouds, but living with the rest of us as Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia.”

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Largest Tax Relief Plan In Florida's History: A 2.7 Billion In Tax Relief 2023-2024

Governor Ron DeSantis signed the largest tax relief plan in Florida’s history, providing Florida families with $2.7 billion in tax relief during the 2023–2024 fiscal year. The tax relief package includes a permanent exemption for baby and toddler necessities such as strollers, cribs, diapers, and baby wipes. Additionally, the tax relief package includes two back-to-school sales tax holidays lasting 14 days each, two disaster preparedness sales tax holidays lasting 14 days each, and a freedom summer sales tax holiday on recreational items and children’s toys that will last from Memorial Day to Labor Day. More on today’s announcement can be found here.
“Because of President Biden’s disastrous economic policies, Florida families are feeling the pressure of inflation on their wallets,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “But in Florida, we are ensuring that our state’s economic success gets passed on to the people that made it possible. I will continue to push smart fiscal policy that will allow Florida families to keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets. Stronger families make a stronger Florida.”
Permanent sales tax exemptions included in the tax relief package will save Florida families nearly $234 million. Those exemptions are targeted to cover baby and toddler needs like cribs, playpens, strollers, child safety products, diapers, baby wipes, bottles, and clothing and shoes for children under age 5. Other items permanently exempt from sales tax will include oral hygiene products like toothbrushes and toothpaste and firearm safety devices.
Sales tax holidays included in the tax relief package for the 2023–2024 fiscal year: