Edward Zelinsky- College Tuition

Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa will serve as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee during the upcoming 115th Congress. Senator Grassley’s decision to lead the Finance Committee may have important consequences for the nation’s colleges and universities. Grassley, a Republican, has criticized increased tuition charges in the face of the pronounced, tax-free growth of many college endowments.

In light of his prior statements and the current political environment, a Grassley-led Finance Committee may scrutinize higher education endowments. On the committee’s agenda could be legislation aimed at the tax benefits such endowments enjoy and the benefits of tax-exempt entities more generally.

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I’m intrigued by the recent announcement by Starbucks that they would provide tuition reimbursement for employees (working at least 20 hours per week) who are working on their undergraduate degree. There are a few rules, but it still seems to be a decent deal for the employees. The courses must be taken online at Arizona State University. Freshman and sophomores get partial reimbursement and juniors and senior get full reimbursement. Apparently this is to encourage the students to complete their degree. And, of course, they need to be admitted to ASU.

The FAQs on the Starbucks website states that the student must also secure financing:

“You will receive an automatic, upfront scholarship to cover part of your tuition costs. You Read More