Exempt Non-resident Citizens From FBAR

OMB Control No: 1506-0009 / ICR Reference No: 202403-1506-001 / Federal Register: 2024-06697
Reports of Foreign Financial Accounts Regulations and FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)

An earlier post alerted people to the opportunity to submit comments (due April 29, 2024) about whether the FBAR rules should be applied to the local accounts of Americans abroad. What follows is my comment …


Treasury should explain precisely what it is about the status of U.S. citizenship (regardless of residence or connection to the United States) that creates a presumption of tax evasion, terrorism and money laundering.

The time has come for Treasury to recognize the obvious injustice and stop requiring an FBAR to report the “local” bank accounts of Americans abroad to the Financial Crimes Division of U.S. Treasury!!

Part I – Introduction and Context- Understanding The April 29, 2024 Deadline For FBAR Commentary Submissions
Part II – Comment: Statement Of Purpose
Part III – Looking For Mr. FBAR – Where are the rules found?
Part IV – Understanding FBAR: “U.S. Persons” are required to file an FBAR. Who is a “U.S. Person”?
Part V – FBAR and U.S. Citizens: The World of Mr. FBAR in 1970 is NOT The World Of Mr. FBAR 2024
Part VI – Non-application of the FBAR rules to U.S. citizens who reside in U.S. territories
Part VII – The application of FBAR to non-citizens who do NOT live in U.S. territories
Part VIII – Conclusion: If ALL U.S. citizens (regardless of connection to the United States) are to be subject to the FBAR requirement …

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FBAR And FATCA: Reporting Foreign Accounts As A U.S. Expat

Confused about the difference between FATCA and FBAR? Don’t get caught in the crossfire of incorrect filings and penalties. As an expat, it’s essential to understand the Foreign Bank Account Report and FATCA Form 8938 – the two most common forms you may need to file if you have money in foreign financial accounts. This blog post will guide you through the basics of FBAR and FATCA, provide tips for ensuring compliance, and highlight common mistakes to avoid.

An FBAR is a report that must be filed with the U.S. Treasury Department by certain U.S. persons who have a financial interest in or signature authority over foreign financial accounts. FBAR stands for “Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts.” The purpose of the FBAR is to help the U.S. government identify and combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes. By requiring U.S. persons to report their foreign financial accounts, the U.S. government can better track the flow of money into and out of the United States.

The threshold for filing an FBAR is generally met if the aggregate value of the foreign financial accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. However, there are some exceptions and special rules that may apply depending on the specific circumstances.

You’ll be required to file FBAR if all of the following are true:
● You’re a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or domestic business entity
● You own, control, or have signature authority over a foreign bank account/s and/or other foreign financial accounts.
● The combined value of those foreign financial accounts exceeded $10,000 at any point during the tax year.
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#FBAR Decision: Bittner Wins! Non-willful Civil Penalty Restricted Based On The One Form And Not On Each Account

On November 2, 2022 the Supreme Court of the United States heard arguments in the Bittner FBAR case. I have previously written about this case here and here. An audio of the oral argument at the Supreme Court (along with commentary) is here. On February 28, 2023 the Court issued it’s ruling.

The issue was whether:

In assessing non-willful civil FBAR penalties the government is restricted to imposing one penalty for failing to file an accurate FBAR form or may the government impose a separate penalty for each mistake related to each account. In other words, is the penalty based on the failure to file a correct form or is a separate penalty allowed for each mistake in relation to the form?

Interestingly and notably the Gorsuch majority decision specifically notes that the period in which the FBAR penalties were assessed were for years that Mr. Bittner was living in Romania. There is no acknowledgment of this in the Barrett dissent!! In addition, Ms. Boyd (of 9th Circuit fame) was also assessed penalties for the years she was living in the UK! To be clear: this decision is very relevant for Americans abroad!!

The court’s decision
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Bittner FBAR Appeal: Supreme Court Justices Define Three Issues Evidenced By Eleven Key Moments


On November 2, 2022 the Supreme Court of the United States heard the appeal in the case of:

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Supreme Court FBAR Case: ALEXANDRU BITTNER, Petitioner v. UNITED STATES Respondent - No. 21-1195

Here is the audio recording of the November 2, 2022 Bittner FBAR hearing …


On November 2, 2022 the Supreme Court Of The United States heard the Bittner case. The issue was whether in the context of a non-willful FBAR penalty:

1) The government is restricted to imposing one penalty based on the failure to file one FBAR; or

2) The government is authorized to impose one non-willful penalty for each of the accounts that should have been reported on the single FBAR form.

For example, let’s imagine that a US citizen has ten accounts that are “foreign” and he fails to file an FBAR form. Is the penalty based on the failure to file the form itself (one form means one $10,000 penalty)? Or may the government impose a penalty based on the failure to disclose each of the accounts on the FBAR form (10 times $10,000 = $100,000)?

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What 2022 Has Taught Us About FBAR Willfulness

What 2022 Has Taught Us About FBAR Willfulness

The Bank Secrecy Act requires certain taxpayers to submit timely FBARs to the United States reporting their interests in foreign accounts.  If a taxpayer has an FBAR filing requirement and misses it, the taxpayer can be liable for civil penalties of up to 50% of the account balances or $100,000, if the taxpayer is willful.  On the other hand, if a taxpayer misses the FBAR filing deadline due to non-willfulness, the civil penalties are limited to $10,000 per violation, subject to reasonable cause.

What is the difference between willfulness and non-willfulness?  Good question.  Because the concept of willfulness can include recklessness—and the scope of non-willfulness includes negligence and inadvertence—the line between willful and non-willful is not an easy one to define.  Accordingly, federal courts have been left to grapple with the distinction.

So far in 2022, federal courts have issued five important cases on willfulness.  Each of these is discussed more below.

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Mr. FBAR's Civil Penalty - Does 31 USC 5321(a)(5) Authorize The Imposition Of ANY Civil Penalty For Failure To File An FBAR?

This is Post 6 in a series of posts describing the historical, statutory and regulatory evolution of Mr. FBAR*

These posts are organized on the page “The Little Red FBAR Book“.

Mr. FBAR Visits The Supreme Court Of The United States!

But, maybe the issue is whether a civil FBAR penalty can be imposed at all instead of how much of a penalty can be imposed?

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Collins Reminds That Corrective Actions Alone Do Not Always Negate Willful FBAR Penalties

As a general matter, the FBAR is not a difficult tax form to prepare, at least for most taxpayers and their tax professionals.  At its very basics, it merely asks for identifying information regarding the taxpayer and certain basic information regarding foreign accounts held outside the United States.  Thus, one would suspect that the failure to timely file this seemingly innocuous information return should not result in significant penalties.

However, tax professionals know better.  Under Title 31, a taxpayer’s willful failure to file a timely and accurate FBAR can result in penalties of up to 50% of the foreign account balances, a penalty that can be applied over multiple years. And because federal courts and the IRS view certain reckless behavior as constituting “willfulness,” the bar for willful FBAR penalties can be a seemingly low one.

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Report of Foreign Bank And Financial Accounts

The law requires each “United States person” who has a financial interest in or signature authority over any foreign financial account to file an FBAR if the aggregate value of the foreign financial accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. The form required is FinCEN Form 114.

This is one that should be pretty well known by now. The obligation to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) with the US Treasury was initially imposed by the Bank Secrecy Act in 1970. Here are the Instructions to FinCEN Form 114 (FBAR). You can electronically file Form 114 for free here.

What Is a Financial Interest for the FBAR?

According to the FBAR instructions:

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Beware Of Your FBAR Obligations - United States v. Solomon

Free Attendee Ticket – Freeman Law International Tax Symposium

FBARs are no laughing matter. In recent years, the Internal Revenue Service, as well as other tax agencies around the world, have stepped up their efforts with respect to international civil tax enforcement. In particular, the Internal Revenue Service oversees investigations concerning FBAR compliance and assesses and collects civil penalties for those U.S. persons who fail to report foreign accounts. The penalties are steep—now a $12,921 maximum annual penalty. However, one relevant question is whether those penalties apply per FBAR filing or per account. In a recent decision by the Southern District of Florida, the Court determined that such FBAR penalties should be applied per account.

FBARs, Generally

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A Landscape PAINting Of The Effects Of U.S. Citizenship-Taxation On U.S. Citizens Living Outside The U.S.


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What Happens When Taxpayers Fail To Report Foreign Sources Of Income: FBARS and Form 3520

Harrington v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo. 2021-95 | July 26, 2021 | Lauber, J. | Dkt. No. 13531-18

Short Summary:  Mr. Harrington is a U.S. citizen; his wife is a dual citizen of the United States and Germany.  Mr. Harrington sold his house after meeting Mr. John Glube, a Canadian attorney for Eastern Wood Harvesters (EHW).  He then provided these proceeds—$350,000—to Mr. Glube, who deposited that amount in a Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) account under the name of Reed International, Ltd. (the “Reed Account”).  At trial, Mr. Harrington testified that he lent this $350,000 as part of his effort to stabilize EHW, a company in which he became an employee.  Later, EHW went under due to the European Union banning the import of North American softwood products, products that EHW sold.

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