In a case dubbed “the biggest criminal tax fraud in history” by federal prosecutors, former lawyer Paul Daugardas was sentenced to 15 years in prison for helping wealthy clients dodge taxes. However, if you blinked, you might have missed it. Why? Mr. Daugedas was sentenced back on June 25, 2014, just a week after the IRS’s historic announcement that it had overhauled the voluntary disclosure program. Therefore, no matter how ground-breaking this story might have been, because it didn’t bear some relation to the major OVDP announcement, it was all but ignored by the media.

I’ve been following the Daugerdas saga ever since U.S. District Judge William Pauley threw out his earlier conviction and ordered a new trial. Right about now, you might be saying, “Wait. Back up. You’re telling me that Daugerdas had been previously convicted of Read More