Are you a high-income small-business owner who doesn’t currently have a tax-advantaged retirement plan set up for yourself? A Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) may be just what you need, and now may be a great time to establish one. A SEP has high contribution limits and is simple to set up. Best of all, there’s still time to establish a SEP for 2017 and make contributions to it that you can deduct on your 2017 income tax return.

2018 Deadlines For 2017 Read More

A large number of companies provide their employees with holiday bonus or end of the year bonus. In fact, a study states that about 80% of the companies do this. It always feels good when you are at the receiving end of such gifts and bonus, doesn’t it? But do not forget the tax liability that might arise out of these bonuses.


A check or cash bonus paid by your employer is one of the most common forms of holiday bonuses. If you are part of an organization where you are entitled to such benefits, you need to list it out. Read More

As you are aware, Finance Act 2017 increased the rate of stamp duty on the transfer of non-residential property from 2% to 6% with effect from midnight on Budget Day.

The change applied to instruments executed on or after 11th October 2017.

This dramatic increase will, most likely, reduce the number of commercial property transactions carried out in Ireland in 2018. Read More

WASHINGTON ― The Internal Revenue Service is reminding fisherman about the March 1 deadline to take advantage of special rules that can allow them to forgo making quarterly estimated tax payments.

Anyone with income from their fishing business may be able to avoid making any estimated tax payments by filing their 2017 return and paying the entire tax due on or before March 1, 2018. This rule generally applies if farming or fishing income was at least two-thirds of the total gross income in either 2017 or the preceding tax year. Read More

Tax Advisors- Your Thoughts On This Question Are Appreciated

Taxpayer Question: I invested about 250 hours on a project that did not pan out and this had a huge impact on my bottom line in 2015.

For a consultant who charges an hourly rate and working as a sole proprietor, can I take a loss for work done on a project that was rejected by the client?  Read More

On Jan. 22, 2018, the IRS began implementation of the passport certification program. IRC § 7345 authorizes the IRS to certify a taxpayer’s seriously delinquent tax debt to the Department of State for the purposes of passport denial, limitation, or revocation. A seriously delinquent tax debt is an assessed, individual tax liability exceeding $51,000 for which either a notice of federal tax lien has been filed or a levy has been made. IRC § 7345(b)(2) provides exceptions for current installment agreements (IAs), offers in compromise (OICs), and Collection Due Process (CDP) hearings. In addition, the IRS has created certification exclusions, such as for taxpayers in currently not collectible (CNC) hardship status and those with pending IAs and OICs. IRM includes the full list of current discretionary exclusions.   Read More

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are becoming more popular as a form of payment and as investment. However, there has been little attention paid to how this virtual currency will be treated by the IRS until now. In fact, the IRS is taking a much closer look and has established some tax guidelines.

According to an article published in, “For federal tax purposes, virtual currency is treated as property and not currency.” They add, “The fair market value of the virtual currency on the date of receipt determines the taxpayer’s basis.”

Some Businesses Are Actually Paying Employee Wages In Virtual Currency Instead Of U.S. Dollars Read More

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, a $1.5 trillion tax cut package, was signed into law on December 22, 2017. The centerpiece of the legislation is a permanent reduction of the corporate income tax rate. The corporate rate change and some of the other major provisions that affect businesses and business income are summarized below. Provisions take effect in tax year 2018 unless otherwise stated.

Corporate Tax Rates

  • Instead of the previous graduated corporate tax structure with four rate brackets (15%, 25%, 34%, and 35%), the new legislation establishes a single flat corporate rate of 21%.
  • The Act reduces the dividends-received deduction (corporations are allowed a deduction for dividends received from other domestic corporations) from 70% to 50%. If the corporation owns 20% or more of the company paying the dividend, the percentage is now 65%, down from 80%.
  • The Act permanently repeals the corporate alternative minimum tax (AMT).

Read More

Every day, the theft of personal and financial information puts people at risk of identity theft. Generally, thieves try to use the stolen data as quickly as possible to:

  • Sell the information to other criminals.
  • Withdraw money from a bank account.
  • Make credit card purchases.
  • File a fraudulent tax return for a refund using victims’ names.

Victims of a data loss should follow these steps to minimize the effect of the theft: Read More

Grant Gilmour, Tax Advisor, Tax Blog, Vancouver, Canada, TaxConnections

There are various real estate expenditures that are deductible to the corporation and others that are capitalized or allocated to inventory. In this FAQ, we will discuss the real estate expenses that are deductible during the pre-acquisition phase as an operating expense to the corporation in the fiscal year that expenditures were incurred.

There are many “soft” costs in real estate such as representation costs, site investigation costs and financing expenses.

Representation costs are eligible for a deduction for amounts paid in the year. Examples of these costs are rezoning applications, project planning and preliminary design costs. Read More

As a result of the significant reduction of U.S. corporate income tax rates pursuant to the tax reform of the TCJA enacted on December 22, 2017, the Unites States now has a lower corporate tax rate than many of its trading partners, meaning that, in many instances, the profits of foreign owned or controlled-U.S. subsidiaries shall be taxed more favorably than the profits of their foreign parent companies or affiliates in their home jurisdictions. That creates an incentive for foreign companies to channel more profits through their U.S. subsidiaries, in order to benefit from lower U.S. income taxation compared to that applicable in the parent company’s home country. Read More

Yesterday, February 21, 2018, Franklin County Court of Common Pleas Judge David E. Cain denied the request for a preliminary injunction from the municipal group that is comprised of more than 160 municipalities. The language of the decision has yet to be published. Zaino Hall & Farrin LLC will provide a more detailed analysis once the language is available.

This decision puts to rest, for now, an effort by municipalities to forestall the state’s centralized collection of tax on behalf of municipalities, as well as keeps in place the elimination of the anti-competitive municipal throwback rule for years beginning in
2018. A hearing on a permanent injunction is scheduled for December 2018. Read More