An organized approach to interviewing will greatly enhance the accuracy of the selection process. It will also create a more favorable impression on the candidate being interviewed. With an organized interview you are more likely to obtain the information necessary to make an informed decision. The primary purpose of an interview is to determine the candidate’s suitability of the role.

Proper questioning will provide pertinent information in evaluating the candidate. The interview questions we provide are designed to avoid some of the common errors in interviewing while encouraging the candidate to express their thoughts, ideas and feelings in a candid an honest manner. You must always pay close attention to what is said during an interview and make notes of responses. Approaching an interview in this manner leads to insightful information and more successful hires. There are often two candidates present in an interview, the “real candidate” and the “candidate on display”. All candidates interviewed wish to present themselves in a favorable light and impress the interviewer. Whether the candidate is really the person projected during the interview is the interviewer’s responsibility to decide. Read More

Peter Flournoy, Tax Advisor, Tax Blog, TaxConnections

Though the tax season is over, tax scammers work year-round. The IRS advises you to stay alert to protect yourself against new ways criminals pose as the IRS to trick you out of your money or personal information. These scams first tried to sting older Americans, newly arrived immigrants and those who speak English as a second language. The crooks have expanded their net, and now try to swindle virtually anyone. Here are several tips from the IRS to help you avoid being a victim of these scams:

• Scams use scare tactics.  These aggressive and sophisticated scams try to scare people into making a false tax payment that ends up with the criminal. Many phone scams use threats to try to intimidate you so you will pay them your money. They often threaten arrest or deportation, or that they will revoke your license if you don’t pay. They may also Read More

Income Tax, Tax Planning, IRS, Peter Flournoy, Tax Advisor, Tax Blog, Norwalk, CT, TaxConnections

Each year, many people get a larger refund than they expected. Some find they owe a lot more tax than they thought they would. If this happened to you, review your situation to prevent another tax surprise. Did you marry? Have a child? Have a change in income? Some life events can have a major effect on your taxes. You can bring the tax you pay closer to the amount you owe. Here are some key IRS tips to help you come up with a plan of action:

• New Job.   When you start a new job, you must fill out a Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate and give it to your employer. Your employer will use the form to figure the amount of federal income tax to withhold from your pay. Use the IRS Withholding Calculator on to help you fill out the form. This tool is easy to use and Read More

It is becoming increasingly common for couples to live together and remain unmarried, which can lead to potential tax problems when they share the expenses of a home but only one of them is liable for the debt on that home.

Home mortgage interest can generally be deducted only by a person who is legally obligated to pay the mortgage (in other words, a person who is named as an obligor on the mortgage document). However, there is an exception to the preceding general rule for interest paid on a real estate mortgage when a person is a legal or equitable owner of the real estate but is not directly liable for the debt.

For example, if the one who is not liable on the mortgage makes the payment, that Read More

Are you approaching retirement age and wondering where you can retire to make your retirement nest egg last longer? Retiring abroad may be the answer. But first, it’s important to look at the tax implications because not all retirement country destinations are created equal. Here’s what you need to know.

Taxes on Worldwide Income

Leaving the United States does not exempt U.S. citizens from their U.S. tax obligations. While some retirees may not owe any U.S. income tax while living abroad, they must still file a return annually with the IRS. This would be the case even if all of their assets were moved to a foreign country. The bottom line is that you may still be taxed on income Read More

What do you get when you invite half a million people to come listen to tax experts for free at TaxConnections? We are going to invite 500,000 people from the United States and abroad to meet Tax Experts associated with If you are not yet a member of TaxConnections now is the time to join this exciting community. If you would like to be a sponsor or tax expert speaker at this exciting event held on the internet please contact us today. We have a limited number of tax expert speakers who will be promoted to rock star status during this extraordinary event.  You must be a member of TaxConnections to be considered as one of the speakers for this event.  For more information on Sponsorship go to:

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Our members blogs are read by visitors from 210 countries and territories around the world.  We are amazed as we watch our members gain better visibility for their tax expertise and more authority in the marketplace. TaxConnections Bloggers have a unique style that resonates with our readers. We love the way our Tax Bloggers make the stories relatable to our readers. When you are marketing for new clients the secret is to make it less technical and more relatable. This week I want to give you all examples of our Tax Bloggers who had some of the most read blog posts over the past year:  Michael DeBlis, John Dundon, Barry Fowler, Jeffrey Kahn, Manasa Nadig, Peter Scalise, John Stancil, Hugo van Zyl and so many more.

If you are interested in enjoying a wider distribution of your tax blogs and reputation to our hundreds of thousands of readers, please join us today!

Join TaxConnections Today!

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If you have ever thought of writing a book or an eBook on a tax topic, please let us know. We are now accepting submissions from the tax community to promote their tax books/eBooks at It takes a great deal of effort to write a book/eBook on a tax topic and more effort to promote it to an interested audience. TaxConnections promotes our members books and publications to our built in interested readers of tax knowledge and expertise.

We promote our members publications exclusively, so if you are a current or budding author please join TaxConnections as a member today at The first ten tax professionals to register for an annual membership will have the option of being a quoted tax expert in a series of articles we Read More

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Join me Thursday, January 22, 2015 for the webinar “Learn How Tax Professionals Are Connecting With Taxpayers In A Tax Media Network”.

If you are hanging out on other professional media sites and not attracting any clients, it is because you are not hanging out at the right place! TaxConnections has developed technology that builds relationships between tax professionals and taxpayers with the focus on converting these relationships to new customers.

Give me thirty minutes of your time and I will teach you how to position your tax reputation in front of millions searching for tax expertise right now. There is a better way to build your client base and it is faster, smarter and inexpensive. It costs less than one dollar a day Read More

♦ The government is really asking a lot of us this month – first we’re supposed to count how many people live in our home, then we’re supposed to count how much money we owe them. I actually got confused and accidentally sent a check to the census and a member of my household to the IRS. Sorry, grandma. (Jimmy Kimmel)

♦ What’s a shy and retiring accountant?
One that’s half-a-million shy and that’s why he’s retiring.

♦ A tax accountant is having a hard time sleeping and goes to see his doctor. “Doctor, I just can’t get to sleep at night.”
“Have you tried counting sheep?” Read More

How is TaxConnections different? We give you MORE of what you need to be successful in the tax profession!


♦ Every tax lawyer, CPA, EA, and independent taxes services provider needs an advocate who publically supports them
♦ TaxConnections technology supports tax professionals through innovative marketing of your tax reputation and services
♦ Our smart technology is proven to increase visibility and authority of your tax expertise Read More