Venar Ayar - Three Types Of Tax Penalty Abatements
What is a Tax Penalty Abatement?

Taxpayers with unfiled tax returns or unpaid taxes are often hit with the following IRS penalties:

  • The failure-to-file penalty, which accrues at 5% of your unpaid taxes per month
  • The failure-to-pay penalty, which accrues at 0.5% of your unpaid taxes per month

In addition, you’ll be charged interest each month if you have an unpaid balance. IRS rates are adjusted each quarter, but have been between 3% and 5% in recent years.

When you owe tens of thousands or more in back taxes, these penalties and interest can add a significant amount to your tax burden and make it more difficult to negotiate a tax resolution.  Luckily, you may qualify for a penalty abatement – or simply put, penalty relief.  Certain conditions, however, must be met to qualify.  And there are a few different types of penalty abatement.

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