Taxpayers Fighting Tax Hikes Through Reform California

Taxpayers Fighting Tax Hikes Through Reform California

There actually taxpayers fighting tax increases that are piling on in California. In 2019, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law an expansion of healthcare to all immigrants coming into the state. This sets up California to be an even bigger draw to illegal immigrants who will receive full healthcare benefits, regardless of immigration status.

California’s 68 BILLION DEFICIT stems largely from the number of companies and taxpayers leaving the state in droves. Here is how Reform California led by Carl DeMaio is educating taxpayers. Here is how the state of California wants to raise your taxes even higher.

What California Politicians are Trying to Do:

  • California politicians are trying to confuse voters by placing two initiatives on the ballot that would both gut Prop 13 and make it easier to raise state and local taxes, as well as increase your utility rates;
  • ACA-1 would gut Prop 13’s 2/3 vote requirement for new taxes by lowering it to 55%;
  • ACA-13 would gut Prop 13 by blocking the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative and eliminating the requirement that voters be allowed to vote on tax increases with honest ballot titles;
  • We MUST defeat both of these initiatives to save Prop 13 in 2024!

What the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative Does:

  • Requires a public vote on ALL state tax hikes – no exceptions like what happened with the recent gas and car tax hikes.
  • Requires that tax hikes achieve a two-thirds voter approval to pass – not a simple majority.
  • Repeals dozens of costly tax hikes that were imposed any time after January 2022.
  • Ends the ability of politicians to put deceptive titles on the ballot that fail to disclose a measure contains a hidden tax hike.
  • Tightens the definition of a “tax” to eliminate the ability of politicians to call something a mere “fee” to avoid voter approval.
  • Prohibits state politicians from raising your electric and gas utility rates through illegal taxes and fees.

Tax Hikes We Are Fighting:

California already has the highest income tax, the highest sales tax, the highest gas tax, and some of the highest property taxes in the country. California politicians have a spending addiction – and no tax increase will ever be big enough to satisfy their habit! Here are just some of the tax hikes they are trying to impose:

  • A Wealth Tax – California would be the first state to impose a draconian tax on your assets, not just your income!
  • A Mileage Tax – Gas and car taxes are automatically increased every year and now politicians want a tax charge for each mile you drive!
  • A Tax on Moving Out of State – California would also be the first state to impose a tax on people who flee the state.
  • Property Tax / Repeal of Prop 13 – Partial or total repeal of Prop 13 from 1978 which protects homeowners against massive property tax hikes.
  • Income Tax – New and higher tax brackets for all income levels – it’s not just the so-called “rich” that will get hurt.
  • Sales Tax – Every election nearly 200 measures are placed on the ballot to increase state and local sales tax rates.
  • Utility Rate Hikes — We have uncovered over $4.5 billion in hidden state taxes and fees that are spiking your rates, and passing this initiative will help us repeal those charges that are making your electricity and gas more expensive than it should be.

We need YOUR HELP immediately in this fight. Contribute, sign up to volunteer, and share the online petition below with your friends!

Read the full legal text of the initiative here

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