WOW Folks! 67% of New York Voters Support Raising Taxes On Profitable Corporations And Highest 5% Of Earners

WOW Folks! 67% of New York Voters Support Raising Taxes On Profitable Corporations And Highest 5% of Earners

We noticed this poll from the Sienna College Research Institute you may find interesting. However, when we looked at who conducted this poll, you should know this is what is stated in their ABOUT US. This will provide you information on how to weigh this poll telling us most of New Yorkers want their taxes raised.

Founded in 1980 at Siena College in New York’s Capital District, the Siena College Research Institute (SCRI) conducts regional, statewide and national surveys on business, economic, political, voter, social, academic and historical issues. The surveys include both expert and public opinion polls.

Siena students and students from other colleges participate in each and every survey conducted. Their experiences allow them to gain experience in political science, computing, communications, sociology, and psychology in a professional setting. SCRI frequently employs interns that participate in special projects including event planning, in-depth research, report writing and analysis.

The results of SCRI surveys have been published in major regional and national newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, as well as in scholarly journals, books and encyclopedias (both print and online). Survey results are regularly featured on local and national television and radio.

SCRI conducts the Siena New York Poll, a monthly snapshot poll of registered voters from throughout New York State on timely political topics, and the New York State Index of Consumer Sentiment, a quarterly look at New Yorkers’ willingness to spend.

SCRI subscribes to the American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Code of Professional Ethics and Practices.

SCRI is frequently commissioned to conduct surveys for organizations, businesses, and local and state government agencies. For more information contact us at SienaResearch[at]Siena[dot]edu.

Additional information provided states:

  • Only 22% Prefer Cutting Spending on Public Programs Rather than Increasing Taxes On Top Earners to Address State’s Fiscal Woes
  • Still, By 49-40% Agree Tax Increases Will Result in Wealthiest Leaving NY

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