IRS?  CIA?  FBI? Most kids in school know what these acronyms mean.   But NSA? What’s that? National Security Agency?  What do they do? Although it has been an 800 pound gorilla in the room for quite some time, it is only now, with the recent disclosure and intimation of extensive domestic spying on Americans, that the pundits are now talking about yet another vast government institution which inspires fear and fantasies about Big Brother.

Washington assures us we have no reason to worry because all NSA cares about is keeping track of the mere fact that your computer has received an email from Kandahar. It doesn’t matter what it says, as long as the government knows you got it. Also if your search engine happened to land on a web site for a few seconds which offers recipes on how to blow people up with a few ingredients from under the kitchen sink or the garage, we need to know about that too.  No one in our government is thuggish enough to presume to read the content of a private e mail message but it’s good to know at least that a few people in the States have pen pals in the quaint, ethnic hamlets in the Swat Valley in Northern Pakistan.

The timing of this latest bombshell could not be worse for Big Government.  Just about the time the NSA Scandal is about to gather a real good head of steam, the IRS is going to be back on the front pages yet again,  with the opening in July of the much anticipated IRS FATCA PORTAL TO MORDOR. Read More