TaxConnections Blogger Hugo Van Zyl posts about a SARS RulingOn October 3rd, 2013 the South African Revenue Services ( issued BPR 156 (binding private ruling) which ensure some clarity on the taxation of many expats’ pension funds stuck in South Africa.

An interesting ruling, which may be technically correct but in many ways inadequate, writer felt on first read. Perhaps incorrectly? Let’s consider the outcome and value of the ruling.

Like most SARS rulings, it brings clarity but adds several “however” warnings. Before we address them, allow me to summarize the ruling, with an extract:


1. Summary
This ruling deals with the question as to whether and to what extent a pension annuity and a retirement fund lump sum benefit, received by or accrued to a person who is not a resident of South Africa from a pension fund registered in South Africa, will be taxable in South Africa. Read More

TaxConnections Blogger Jerry Donnini posts internet sales tax principlesThis TRM™ tax-Radar™ 7 Steps Special Report is based on over 150 lectures presented to many multi-national corporations (MNE’s) and smaller businesses (SME’s) looking to minimize one of the largest financial risks facing them:  tax.

It looks at where they have failed to properly recognize the potential tax exposure they face.  The case studies in this Special Report are very real, and based on years of experience.  The names, places and specific details are not, so as to preserve the secrecy of the taxpayers.

One thing this Special Report will do for you is teach and guide you, step by step, that in matters of tax it is extremely dangerous not to be proactive.  No matter what anyone says, tax is always, and will always remain a large expense for any successful business.  States will always look to their most successful taxpayers to collect 80% of the tax from the 20% most successful taxpayers.  It makes commercial sense.  The balance of tax officials’ time will most probably be spent chasing after tax evaders. Read More

7 TRM Steps?

TaxConnections Blogger Jerry Donnini posts internet sales tax principles□ Step 1. Taxpayers tend to be reactive to tax risks and tax problems. This will translate into additional tax exposure through the imposition of tax penalties and interest, and lead to poor relationships with the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”). Proactive tax risk management will eliminate the additional tax exposure, improve IRS relationships and place control of the tax risk management process back in the hands of the business, and not the IRS. This then translates into a golden opportunity to develop an ongoing tax planning process, to keep tax exposures under control, and in a proactive manner.

□ Step 2. Tax compliance departments in businesses try to cover their tax risk without outside professional assistance, except on a reactive basis. This contributes to Step 1; tax risk management becomes reactive. By creating a tax team that participates proactively in the TRM™ process, the business is able to expand its tax risk cover from 40% to 100%.

□ Step 3. Most businesses do not have a road map of how and where they are going with their tax risk management TRM™, other than blindly ensuring that they are “fully tax compliant”. Without a properly formulated TRM™ strategy in place, the goals and objectives, and the manner of executing a TRM™ process so as to minimize tax risk, cannot be achieved properly. An extensive and fully Read More

iStock_ Africa Money and Flag XSmallReal Estate Investment Trusts or REITs is a well known internationally known appropriate business structure yet South Africa only adopted its tax law as of April 1st, 2013 and its stock exchange listed or publicly listed trading rules to accommodate REIT’s as of May 1st, 2013.

Since then many property groups not only converted to a listed REIT but also restructured their balance sheets to remove the debt linked to a unit or a share. Now, on September 6th, the first American Depositry Receipt (ADR) status was granted to a South African listed REIT. One ADR unit equals 10 REIT units on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Despite the ZA Rand being at a 3 week high, the more recent currency exchange is circa R10=1U$D.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)

REIT’s are tax transparent or tax through flow investment vehicles that invest in and derive their income from real estate properties and mortgage, without necessarily paying tax on their trade result. To qualify for the South African REIT dispensation, a the REIT (either a company or a trust) must be tax resident in South Africa and be listed as an REIT in terms of the JSE (Johannesburg Stock Exchange) listing requirements.

REIT profits are distributed as tax deductible expenses (effectively pre-tax income) which is then received and taxed in the investors’ hands as taxable dividend income. As of 1 January 2014 the SA dividend withholding tax at 15% or the treaty governed rate where the investor is resident in a treaty country, will apply to nonresident investors. Read More

iStock_ Africa Money and Flag XSmallThe South African Revenue Service (SARS), established in 1997 is an organ of state within the public administration, but as an institution outside the public service of the Republic of South Africa.

The President of South Africa appoints the Commissioner for SARS, yet when the Commissioner is absent or during a period of vacancy, the acting Commissioners is appointed by the Minister of Finance.

Current Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan was the immediate past Commissioner for SARS.

During his most successful if not glamorous tenure as C:SARS the said government agency transformed from a post-apartheid elephant into the most effective eFile / Cloud efficient government agencies. Whilst other Commissioners and Director Generals (the equivalent title within a government department) running government departments dismally failed and despite two Commissioner of Police, being left tainted, Gordhan left behind a legacy and a government agency to be proud of. The Star of Africa was how some referred to SARS.

Then suddenly, three years after SARS Commissioner Oupa Magashula appointment in 2009, rumours surfaced in 2012 linking said Magashula to promises and people, not associated with the best of breed governance practises. Read More

Global Tax Audit & Controversy Risk Management Process – PART 1 OF 5

Introduction (“TRM”) have maintained in our publications and workshops over the years that managing tax risk is one of the greatest challenges for tax departments around the world (creating the opportunities to build lasting world class relationships with Revenue Services), starting with the verification audit through to the resolution of tax controversies. A recent big 4 survey supports this contention. More than 540 companies from 18 countries took part in a fairly recent survey aimed to identify global trends in tax function priorities, time allocation and success measures.

Key aspects that emerged can be summarized as follows (key points are highlighted):

Tax risk is everywhere

… companies continue to face increased pressure on the tax function. As a result, tax functions are focused on addressing risks in every major area of the tax lifecycle – planning, provision, compliance and controversy. Improving the tax function is clearly more important than ever, with more than 90% of companies indicating this will be an important area for them over the next two years.

People are a tax risk

87% of respondents identified people issue as an important challenge facing the tax department. Companies are struggling to get enough people to staff their tax department. They are also challenged to train the people they have, with 77% of companies indicating that the lack of skilled resources is a contributing factor to tax risk.

The trend – proactive versus reactive

Today, companies report a significant increase in the time they’re spending identifying, managing, tracking and responding on tax risk. The number of companies who spend at least 20% of their time on tax risk increased over the last two years from 16% to 25%. Leading tax functions are responding by becoming more efficient and broadening their response to risk. Building linkages to other parts of the organization is becoming increasingly important.

Communication is key

According to our findings, companies that have regular communications with their board about tax risk are also more likely to report having specific measures in place to address those risks. The difference seems to be that they take a broad approach to tax risk assessment and work to efficiently leverage their people, processes and technology.

Throughout the world, any tax question or issue (before it becomes material) should be considered at a central division or consultation facility in order to determine what the approach should be to that question or issue – after being exposed to the proper factual analysis, and then to the applicable broad set of legal principles – tax and constitutional & administrative law. Without a central considering authority, one can never know in a large organization exactly where a tax review (potential or actual) may end up. Stated otherwise, group tax will not know exactly what is going on if each and every tax review is not reported to a centralized office that will then in turn decide how the matter should be dealt with.

The lessons learnt from the many clients TRM have consulted to show the following trends must be maintained:

§    up-to-date international best practice;

§    relationships with Revenue Services;

§    engagement with Revenue Services at various levels;

§    analysis and resolution of potential and actual tax reviews;

§    record keeping, filing and data securitization

The aim of this report

The aim of this report is to convince the head of group tax that the appropriate emphasis should be placed on the tax audit process through a tried and tested methodology, where this area of tax risk management can be streamlined and improved, in line with the lessons learnt by TRM in acting for multi-national corporations in reducing potential tax exposure on tax controversies from 100% to a mere 3%.

The focus is a pro-active engagement with Revenue Services, supported by a process (analyzing & strategizing the facts & law, through to a data securitization process) to deal with potential tax exposure issues before they become material risks. This precise methodology is currently not followed by most corporations as expounded in the textbook ‘Tax Intelligence’ written by Prof. D N Erasmus, the Chairman of TRM. It is a process that has significant merit in the correct circumstances.

These circumstances include a global environment where there is:

§         ‘country collusion’ between Revenue Services;

§          increased verification audits through Large Tax Units (LTU’s), and in the areas of indirect taxes, transfer pricing, and anti-avoidance;

§          more litigious Revenue Services; and

§          global tax administration.

The challenge in convincing the head of group tax is that this area of tax risk should be a high priority, and should be implemented on a broad scale across the group, region by region, in a staged manner. The urgency with which this must be done will become apparent from the results of the survey, that will justify the additional time and expense. It is also noteworthy that the benchmark case study recognizes this as a high priority and has commenced an implementation process.

Analysis of various sources to compile this report

This report has been compiled after analyzing various information sources.

The OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration released its first report dated 28 January 2009, prepared by the Forum on Tax Administration under the then leadership of Pravin Gordhan. The report is headed Tax Administration in OECD and selected non-OECD countries: Comparative information series.

In addition to this, and the analysis of various EU and Latin America Tax Reform and Development texts, numerous survey questions were prepared. Careful analysis was made of tax policies, processes and procedures to create a benchmark against which group tax information can be compared.

The OECD report covers 43 countries. We applied the information of that report to one of the top 50 taxpayers in South Africa, and established the following:

Of the 43 countries that participated in the report, 15 countries group operations in them. They are as follows:

EUROPE: Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Italy, Netherlands, Spain & UK

ASIA: Australia & China

AFRICA: South Africa

NORTH AMERICA: Canada, Mexico & USA

LATIN AMERICA: Non – although many Latin American countries are in a tax transition phase, and are in the process of following the tax reforms initiated in some of the former Eastern Bloc countries that have joined the EU.

In addition to the above, the Group Financial Statements make the following disclosure:

Company law requires the directors to prepare consolidated financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the directors have prepared the consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union. The consolidated financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the group and of the profit or loss of the group for that year.

This requires comment – During February 2006 the FASB and the IASB concluded a Memorandum of Understanding stating their intention to seek a convergence of their standards and interpretations by 2008. FIN 48 is the FASB standard, requiring a two-step evaluation:

§          the business determines whether it is more likely than not (50% or greater likelihood) that a tax situation would be upheld in an examination, including resolution of any potential ensuing litigation process, based on the technical merits of the tax situation;

§          the tax situation that meets the more likely than not recognition threshold is measured to determine the amount to recognize on financial statements.

As a result, the advent of FIN 48, like SOX 404, underpins the requirement for businesses to embark upon a systematic TRM process to limit and expose, with the view to efficiently minimizing the incumbent tax risks. IFRS looks to do exactly the same.

The group has an extensive worldwide TRM process in place. The process works on a decentralized basis where each business unit reports to group tax risks when they become material.  The gap between the commencement of verification audits and the creation of a tax dispute (when it becomes material) is an area of TRM that we propose requires more careful attention, in each region, to ensure better risk management of any potential emerging tax risk exposure, before it becomes material.


Prof D N Erasmus is teaching the International Tax Risk Management class for the LLM in International Taxation at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, this summer semester. He is co-author of the IBFD Tax Risk Management textbook available from, and Tax Intelligence (on Tax Risk Management) available from  Connect with him on TaxConnections. announces the formation of the Africa Tax Desk association with experienced multi-disciplinary tax and legal experts available in Southern Africa, East Africa and West Africa to help American businesses with their Transfer Pricing documentation, compliance and dispute issues.

As Africa has become an attractive continent for large American corporations to invest in (mining sector, oil and gas, and support industries), so have African Tax Authorities become aware of the loss of revenues to OECD countries through clever transfer pricing techniques. As a result 35 African countries are now members of ATAF – the African Tax Administration Forum – formed to educate and ultimately help African Tax Authorities to embark upon Transfer Pricing audits without borders.

Our panel of African and American based specialists, who have successfully trained members of the Tax Authorities, are well-connected with their leaders, act for major MNE’s in Africa and have successfully concluded a number of major Transfer Pricing disputes for clients in Malawi, Uganda and South Africa.

As an association of multi-disciplinary specialists, with direct African experience, we are well positioned to help American corporations overcome some of the practical difficulties they will face on Transfer Pricing issues with African Tax Authorities – many of whom lack training and experience comparable to what Americans will be used to in dealings with first world Tax Authorities. This leads to much frustration, and often a misunderstanding between the parties who, due to simple miscommunication, start to distrust each other. This in turn leads to complications that can easily be avoided.

Working with a practical hands on team in Africa, with representatives in America as well, gives these American corporations an edge over those that simply continue to use the usual large accounting and legal firms, thinking they have the hands on experience in Africa. Often they do not. Many offer their expertise out of offices based in Europe, also removed from the African continent, and without the proper connectivity to Tax Authority leaders.

As a result of a focus on education around Transfer Pricing in Africa, our association specialists are well-respected by their Tax Authority counterparts, and will oftentimes listen carefully to representations made by them, when acting for clients. It must be remembered that Africa is going through a fast learning curve. This must be respected from an African perspective, and approached with sensitivity to the various African cultures throughout Africa. An overhanded, first world approach will not necessarily result in success.

An educated, practical approach, with a clear understanding of the domestic laws, and an audience with the right leaders in the Tax Authorities, will ultimately achieve greater success.

For more information please connect with me on TaxConnections: Daniel Erasmus

TaxConnections Picture - Africa Money and Flag XSmallTax year-end in South Africa, for smaller companies and all individuals, is on the last day of February 2013.

In terms of the collection process, South African Revenue Services (SARS or the equivalent of IRS and HMRC, the competent taxing authority in SA)  expects all provisional taxpayers to be either 80% or 90% correct in the end February provisional tax estimate, compared to the final assessment or IT34.

Irrelevant I hear the expats shout, as non-resident taxpayers face withholding taxes and are not required to pay provisional tax. True, I agree but non-resident for purpose of the provisional tax exemption, refers to a person that is either actually tax non-resident or was never tax resident and to a person exclusively tax resident of another country in terms of an applicable double tax treaty.

SA expats residing in the USA relying on anything less than a green card is probably exclusively tax resident in South Africa, as the SA Expats in Australia are exclusively SA tax resident (normally) until they receive a Permanent Residence (PR) Permit. The USA PR obviously is the green card and most others are not adequate to change the tax treaty tie breaker outcome. Read More

With the introduction of Oracle R12 and the greater emphasis on shared service centres, can you afford not to use multiple Operating units especially when considering your indirect tax solution using Oracle Financials?

The challenged faced by any company implementing a new ERP solution, whether a single entity or a global conglomerate, is to capture the complex business requirements and yet keep the structure as simple as possible. Creating a highly complex organisation structure is likely to lead to greater data processing needs as well as a more labour intensive maintenance requirements. There is also a risk that the solution initially designed to help the company, ultimately leads to issues that end up consuming more resource.

Any solution architect will be considering this when they design the organisation structure deciding the best approach for the number of ledgers, what legal entities will use these ledgers and how many operating units will be needed to capture the data from the sub ledgers such as the Payables or Receivable modules.

The 11i approach was often to keep things as simple as possible, with one ledger where possible and only one operating unit linked to this ledger. The primary driving factor was the time it would take to run reports, opening and closing the month and entering data across the different legal entities. Each additional Operating unit meant that a new responsibility was required and this meant that a user would have to switch between these responsibilities each time they wanted to enter any data or do any month end processes for example. If you had 10 legal entities, this meant that the same task, if 10 operating units were used, one for each Legal entity, would have to be repeated each time. This of course would take a huge amount of time compared to one operating unit that all 10 legal entities were assigned to!

Oracles’ ‘Release 12’ solution change the playing field and ultimately the way the organisations could be established. First, ledger sets allowed multiple ledgers to be linked together as a ledger set providing that the same calendar and chart of accounts was used. A ledger set could then be assigned to a responsibility effectively giving access to the data in all of those ledger contained in the ledger set! Second, and more importantly, the ability to create security profiles meant that access to operating units and inventory orgs could now be combined together. This means that those 10 legal entities could now have 10 operating units per legal entity and added to one or multiple security profiles. A security profile and not an individual operating unit could now be assigned to a responsibility, giving it access across all 10 operating units! So now the ability to maintain simplicity with one responsibility to enter data and process month end is achieved but with the added benefits of the diversification that multiple operating units can bring.

Andrew Bohnet

Form 5471:

  1. IRS now requires a creation of Refrence ID of the foreign corporation and this must be completed for all years ending on or after December 31, 2012.
  2. According to AICPA – “ The most notable change and one that the AICPA has recently addressed in a comment letter to the IRS, is the constructive ownership exception which was previously available to Category 3 and 4 filers only. The exception has now been extended to all Category 5 filers where ownership in the foreign corporation is solely through application of constructive ownership principles and the U.S. person through whom the U.S. shareholder constructively owns an interest in the foreign corporation files Form 5471 reporting all required information. “
  3. Other changes can be found in “What’s new” section of Form 5471.

Form 8621:

  1. In the filer identification section, a line has been added to request the reference ID number of the PFIC or QEF.
  2. New Part I, Summary of Annual Information was added to reflect the new annual filing requirement of section 1298(f) which was added by section 521 of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act of 2010. However, this new Part I is not required until the underlying regulations are published. For now, they have been marked as Reserved For Future Use. Form 8621 will be revised when Part I becomes effective.
  3. The elections in Part II of the form have been reordered and the filing requirements for new elections F, G, and H have been modified. Please complete Part II carefully with these changes in mind.
  4. See instructions for all changes very carefully.

FATCA requires foreign banks to conduct due diligence to see if there are US persons with foreign bank accounts. The fact you did not give a foreign bank your US passport still does not mean they might not report your foreign bank, financial and other accounts to the US and IRS.

FATCA was enacted to expose those US citizens and green card holders who are trying various tricks such as dual passports, etc. to avoid reporting and paying taxes on their foreign financial accounts.

Under the FATCA law in order to stay in good graces of the IRS, the foreign banks must put into place procedures to weed out account holders who are Americans and US green card holders even though the passport they opened the account with said otherwise. These are the questions you need to ask yourself before you take the HUGH risk of not reporting those accounts on form TDF 90-22.1 (FBAR form).

Are there any US address associates with your account?
Are there any US phone numbers with your account?
Is your birthplace listed as somewhere in the US?
Have you made more than one wire in or out form the US?
Any other item that may make the bank suspicious you are a US person. Read More

By Don D. Nelson, Attorney, C.P.A.
Kauffman Nelson LLP

If you are a US Citizen you must file a US tax return every year unless your taxable income is less than $15,700 – for a joint return or $ 9,750 – for a single return (these amounts are for 2012 and are lower amounts for earlier years) or have self employment-independent contractor net self employment income of more than $ 400 US per year. You are taxable on your worldwide income regardless of whether you filed a tax return in your country of residence. You must file a tax return each year if you income exceeds the amounts stated above even if you owe no tax.

As an US expatriate living and working abroad 4/15, your 2012 tax return is automatically extended until 6/15 but any taxes due must be paid by 4/15 to avoid penalties and interest. The return can be further extended until 10/15/10 if the proper extension form is filed.

For 2012 if you are a qualified expatriate you get a foreign earned income exclusion (earnings from wages or self employment) of $95,100, but this exclusion is only available if you file a tax return. You must qualify under one of two tests to take this exclusion: (1) bonafide resident test or (2) physical presence test. You can read more about how to qualify in IRS Publication 54.

If your spouse works and lives abroad, and is qualified, she or he can also get at $95,100 foreign earned income exclusion.

If your foreign earnings from wages or self employment exceed the foreign earned income exclusion you can claim a housing expense for the rent, utilities and maintenance you pay if those amounts that exceed a minimum amount of $15,216 up to a maximum amount which varies by your country of residence.

You get credits against your US income tax obligation for income taxes paid to a foreign country but you must file a US tax return to claim these credits.

If you own 10% or more of a Foreign corporation or Foreign partnership (LLC) you must file special IRS forms each year or incur substantial penalties which can be greater including criminal prosecution if the IRS discovers you have failed to file these forms.

If you create a foreign trust or are a beneficiary of a foreign trust you may be obligated to file forms 3520 and /or 3520A each year to report those activities or be subject to severe penalties. Foreign foundations and non-profits which indirectly benefit you may be foreign trusts in the eyes of the IRS.

Your net self employment income in a foreign country (earned as an independent contractor or in your own sole proprietorship) is subject to US self employment tax of 15.3% (social security) which cannot be reduced or eliminated by the foreign earned income exclusion. The one exception is if you live in one of the very few countries that have a social security agreement with the US and you pay that countries equivalent of social security.

Forming the correct type of foreign corporation and making the proper US tax election with the IRS for that corporation may save you significant income taxes and avoid later adverse tax consequences. You need to take investigate this procedure before you actually form that foreign because it can be difficult to make that election later.

If at any time during the tax year your combined highest balances in your foreign bank and financial accounts (when added together) ever equal or exceed $10,000US you must file a FBAR form with the IRS by June 30th for the prior calendar year or incur a penalty of $10,000 or more including criminal prosecution. This form does not go in with your personal income tax return and is filed separately to a different address.

In the past several years the IRS has hired thousands of new employees to audit, investigate and discover Americans living abroad who have failed to file all necessary tax forms. These audits have begun and will increase significantly in the future. The IRS gets lists of Americans applying or renewing for US passports or entering the country. They will compare these lists with those who are filing US income tax returns and take action against those who do not.

Often due to foreign tax credits and the the foreign earned income tax expats living abroad who file all past year unfiled tax returns end up owing no or very little US taxes. The IRS has several special programs which will help you catch up if you are in arrears which will reduce or possibly eliminate all potential penalties for failing to file the required foreign asset reporting forms. We can direct you to the best program for your situation, prepare the returns and forms and represent you before the IRS.

Beginning in 2011 a new law went into effect which requires all US Citizens report all of their world wide financial assets with their personal tax return if in total the value of those assets exceed certain minimum amounts starting at $50,000 . Failure to file that form on time can result in a penalty of $10,000.

Certain types of income of foreign corporations are immediately taxable on the US shareholder’s personal income tax return. This is called subpart F income. The rules are complex and if you own a foreign corporation you need to determine if these rules apply to you when you file the required form 5471 for that corporation.

If you own investments in a foreign corporation or own foreign mutual fund shares you may be required to file the IRS forms for owning part of a Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC) or incur additional, taxes and penalties for your failure to do so. A PFIC is any foreign corporation that has more than 75% of its gross income from passive income or 50 percent or more of its assets produce or will produce passive income.

Visit my Tax Professional Profile Page to download your 2012 US tax return questionnaire prepared expressly for Americans living abroad.  Please “Connect” with me on TaxConnections and we will review your completed questionnaire for a fixed fee quote for the preparation of your return.

Don D. Nelson, US Attorney, CPA
Kauffman Nelson LLP
Dana Point, California 92629 USA

We have been preparing tax returns and assisting US clients located in over 50 countries around the the world for over 30 years. We also assist US Nonresidents meet their US tax obligations and return filing requirements. We offer mini consultations (with attorney client privilege) to answer your tax questions and resolve your tax issues.